I’m not even going to try. I can’t remember what we’ve done. Nothing so important that it really needs showing off about any way. These days the boring stuff gets recorded in diaries so I don’t have to blog it; we’ve not done anything worky that has been earth shattering anyway.
Probably the best has been a doll making activity using some £1.50 kits we picked up at Hobbycraft on the way home from somewhere.
We’ve used the library again and enjoyed a thoroughly pleasant hour or two there. Fran and Maddy needed to go to the doctors – Fran had a throat infection/chest infection and has coughed away all week. The ABs are working, but slowly. How come it is always when I say “you’ll be all right in a few days” that it isn’t a virus??? 🙄
Amelie got her round off flic at gym, which made her very happy and rediscovered her squat on just in time for a competition. Phew.
They spent an evening and morning with my dad, who was back from abroad for a few days. I think that pleased all of them in the end but the strain definitely took its toll on them in the run up. My normal approach with things is to tell them at the last minute so they don’t have time to fret but that didn’t seem quite right this time. However. It’s done now and hopefully we’re over that particular hump of worry.
Fran’s been doing more dancing; I think she actually does all the class varieties they offer at the moment – 2 ballet, 2 tap, 3 freestyle, acrobatics (ha!), jazz and musical theatre every week – that’s enough to keep a child fit anyway 😆
We’ve had social time with the Cielrouge’s and the Beans.
Max looked at Greek Gods and Ancient Greek lifestyle and houses with them.
We had another brush with tragedy (yep, it just keeps coming) when we discovered that Maddy’s rugby coach had died unexpectedly. Rob was great, one of those people who really inspires kids and had been a very good friend to Max and Maddy this last year. We’re very sad about it.
Josie has learned to do a circle up and circle down at gym, a big step for her as she hated going upside down for ages. Lots of the credit for that goes to Fran who has really worked patiently with her between gym lessons to encourage her to try various little “upside down” things at home. And also to the various coaches she has who have very patiently encouraged her to do it at her own speed and not pushed her.
Yesterday I weeded the garden ready to plant the 350 bulbs that my Fluff and MuddlePuddle friends bought me when Freddie died. They’ll make the garden beautiful in April – so long as I get them in the ground 😆
Maddy wrote a 1000 words story and is going to have a go at Nanowrimo this year. I wish it wasn’t November – I loved doing it but trying to write 50,000 words in the run up to Xmas is not great for a toy seller!
Fran has almost finished her epic ballet project, has read several “Spook’s Apprentice” books and did managed to do her round off flic tuckback last week. Wish she’d blooming well believe in herself sometimes. I so love her.
Maddy has moved up to contact rugby – she appeared at the gym comp today with muddy, bloody knees and said “I think I’ve got the hang of it now!” Apparently this is good 😆
Thanks for the link to nanowrimo, Josh has been on about writing a book for ages, perhpas this will be the kick-up-the-bottom he needs x
NaNo has got me thinking… but then again I am such a procrastinator sometimes!