First, the obligatory pox pic
Not too bad, not ill at all and tonight is night 3, so hopefully over the worst. It’s nearly at her ankles and wrists now, so hopefully the worst is over. Amazing the way it spreads like that!
I’ve done my piece of art to submit (it’s on flickr, I’ll blog it another time) and my square is nearly knitted. I’ve even relaxed and sorted out wellies into sensible categories on PlayMerrily. We have a lot of wellies 🙄
Fran has finished her scarf.
The knitting the ends in thing was a bit too much for her, so we’ll tassel it the whole way round to hide the tension wiggles and traily ends. I’m very impressed though – not often she finishes things. She wants to do a blanket next. 😆
The house is in disarray and I’m about to shout – but no matter, we’ve been creative.
knitting ends in is highly over rated…. I’d vote for tassles any day!