Or actually, just go. Loudly, kicking and screaming, evicted by the army, hung trouser-less out of a window (defenestration is almost too good for you). I really don’t care.
I spent most of my pregnancy with Freddie fretting and worrying about what the Labour Party might do to my family. By the end of it, i was quietly panicking that Ed Balls might actually invoke a social worker to come and take my baby from me in the hospital. Make of that what you will.
No law abiding person in the UK should have to be afraid of what their government might do to them; i’m not sure even the non-law-abiding ones should be actually afraid.
I hoped that Freddie would be my first child to live his life not under a Labour Government and that whatever educational choice we made for him would be from choice, not fear or lack of choice. If i can’t have that, please could i at least have the chance not to fear for my girls and our life – a government that won’t target us just because we don’t wish to be clones of their mystifyingly low standards.
I’d be hard pushed to say who i would like to see humiliated most tonight, Gordon Brown or Ed Balls. Both please. And as many of the rest of them that can topple painfully too.
Totally agree Merry.
Amen. Just voted and it felt goooooood
Well said…as usual 🙂
Going to put my X in the box very shortly 🙂
Just been to do mine; must admit it left a bit of a nasty taste in my mouth – i would have preferred to vote for a good option rather than least worst.