Phew. Not going to be having an April Fool baby anyway, even if it did give a good impression of planning it yesterday. Now just have to navigate avoiding a few un-favourite days in April 🙄 Didn’t actually expect to get a March baby, but now vaguely wondering how late it will be exactly. Have a few “urgh…” time pressures. Kids desperate to do an activity week next week, various preferred consultants away now over the remaining time etc etc Still, i suppose simple would be too much to expect. Admit to a few panicky thoughts overnight as none of my overdue babies have ever gone smoothly but have done my best to smooth them away.
Had a really lovely day yesterday. I conserved energy as i was very tired from a rough night and we all stayed home all day; the kids hama beaded at the table and so did i and Max did various bit of model making and spray painting with them all. He’s become a Hobbycraft addict, which is quite funny really 😆 So we all spent the day together in our last (fingers crossed, touch wood) week or so of being a six not a seven. The kids made loads of patterns from their heads and at various times one or other of them picked up a musical instrument and played to us. It really felt very lovely. We even managed to sort out Fran’s Bflat Major scale, though the girl would help herself quite a bit if she either conceded that inspecting the key signature would help or believed me that a scale should sound like a scale even if it has a flat or 2 in it – as opposed to determinedly refusing to believe mummy that it has 2 flats or indeed that it shouldn’t in fact be 7 notes up and 5 notes down. 🙄
In fact, my only minor annoyance is that the growth on my hand seems to have developed a second head very quickly and is now at least as wide if not worse as a week ago, though not as high or bloody. Am keeping it bandaged and ignoring it in the hope that a) baby can’t be much further away and it might get better then and b) the more time i give the skin that was cut away to heal the better, but it is all a bit annoying. I’d rather not have to have it done again as the jab really hurt!
Am really treasuring these days; Max has looked after me and everything quite amazingly and the girls are being great. They are too old not to be anxious and desperate for events to take place and be safely over but they are trying so hard. The stress is coming out in the odd bicker and wobble but in general they are being their normal happy, loving, helpful and understanding selves. I do so love them all.
I am irritating myself by logging on every morning to check if you’ve had it yet which given my own history of being overdue is silly!
Thinking of you a lot.
You do realise that there’s still a few hours left of April 1st? ;P
(Ok, so its after midday, but still)
If it hasn’t started by now, it will have to be very dramatic to arrive by midnight. In which case, i suspect i will live with it as the least of my worries!
The 7th is a good day to be born, not that I am biased 🙂
The 18th is a great day to be born but I don’t think you’ll want to go that overdue!
hope it is soon, and easy peasy! xx
I am thinking positive birthing vibes currently. I think your blog readers may all wish to do similarly…