We had a lovely quiet weekend alone, while my parents and sister and co had a much noisier weekend entertaining my children, who returned utterly exhausted yesterday evening. Having some time just the two of us was really wonderful; there is so little time in a busy and full household to just be together as a couple and getting the opportunity is great.
We made the most of it, so much as you can at 9 months pregnant 😆 We shopped, watched Prof Brian Cox (rofl, there is a man i suspect would not have been entirely served by anyone insisting on him having a broad and balanced education!), ate lovely meals and dozed in mid afternoon when we felt the inclination. It was a great way to get ready for the birth of a new baby.
And today is due day. I’m incredibly relaxed about it – far more than i thought i ever could be and not even remotely fretting about the when, where,how,why and what of it all. I love knowing what i am getting, loving having supportive carers and still liking being pregnant. I like knowing it can’t be more than another couple of weeks and i like knowing these are the last few days of ever being pregnant. Whatever happens, and touch wood we are both safely through it, i know this was the right thing to do.
Over the weekend i did a lot of virtual nesting that has needed doing for erm… years! And the result is a brand new MuddlePuddle website, in as much as i’ve found and reorganised all the content from the old site and got it ready for a major revamp, edit and new content. There is stuff on there i had completely forgotten and ways of doing things we’ve stopped and which it really inspired me to restart and do our HE more freshly once we’ve back from baby holiday.
The other thing that happened recently was that we shut down the very old and tired BeadMerrily, diverting it and reopening it as CraftMerrily – a site with perhaps the loveliest logo i have ever met. But this has given me the nudge needs to fish out all the old content and put it somewhere else, so that it can be found and used and hopefully it will also inspire me and the girls to do new things for it too So the NEW BEADMERRILY is live, although it needs putting together much as MP does. But it does have a Flickr Account and a Flickr Group and i’m looking forward to doing more with it.
With much thanks, as ever, to our wonderful designer Meg, at WhiteOchre.
just to wish you well for the birth of your new baby. lots of love .
You’ll be in my thoughts these next few day ..! Hope everything goes REALLY well for you 😀 The new websites look fantastic ~ you are such a busy bee!
*Really* good to hear you sounding so happy 🙂
Hi Merry,
I hope that your new arrival comes safely and with no drama. I almost had a twinge of broodiness readin your recent posts, but it soon went. I hope the you have much joy and peace in welcoming this new member of your family.
Should you find time in your busy schedule to start up the mud pud group I am sure there would be many grateful H E ers who have no creative talent whatsoever interested.
God bless
Debbie Ellard
oooh that site logo is very you…
Greer, which one?
Alison, i think it must be the cds – i don’t know why i never tried it before – i believe anything anyone tells me normally, so i ought to be the perfect person for it!
The craft merrily one – reminds me of you just looking at it 🙂
Lol! Well, whatever it is, I’m glad it’s working! I had a dream about you in labour this morning. Please make sure that you get up and move around when you do go into labour, because lying around in bed at my house wasn’t working too well!
Grin. Did think it had started this am actually but it was one of those highly convincing 4 hour practise sessions. Sniff 😉 Evidently you channelled!