As one of the wives from a favourite film of mine, Apollo 13, says, patting her bump.
Woke up this morning and thought – omg… the baby is due THIS MONTH!!! 😯
I must admit, i’m kind of hoping for a few extra days (maybe not 14 though 😆 ) this time as i don’t feel nearly ready to have a baby! Max muttered this morning that maybe this time we’d get an early one and i thought “NOOOOOOO!!!”
It seems to have gone very fast this time; the first 20 weeks were a nightmare and stressful and then the last 16 have flown by – although all the problems at the beginning seem so remote and far away they could be from years back – like that was the end of something else, rather than the beginning of something new.
Wanted to say thanks to all the people who contributed to the baggage post below – i really need to go through and thank people individually but they were a huge help and much appreciated. After a good think i had a long conversation with a doula last night and hopefully we are going to go down that route. It feels the right compromise between needs, wants and costs. Thank you again – everything that was written on and off blog, including the offers to come and be there, were much appreciated.
twinklythings says
M keeps asking me how many days until Pip gets here. I keep trying to explain that we don’t know exactly, but he’s not having any of it!
Good luck with your doula. I hope yours is as lovely as ours.
Merry says
lol,yes Josie is struggling in the same way. She’s massively interested in how time passes at the moment but i don’t know if that came from waiting for the baby or the reverse. Either way, i’m being driven mad by it!!!
merry says
My blog moderated me – the cheek!
mamacrow says
this month?! this month?! really?! blimey! lots and lots of luck xxx
Khadijah says
Feeling very excited and hopeful for you Merry .))
(you sprung into my consciousness last night, so I actually came here wondering if baby was here now. lots of good vibes and prayers coming your way)