Today…. did reading with Josie; she remembered the words 9and could read some of it back to Daddy later) to quite a lot of Peter and Jane 1a. We also read a Penguins book, picked out words like penguin, eggs, ice and waddle to find on different pages, did some counting of various things and so on. Was nice. She’s quite keen to learn stuff now, so i must get on to offering her extra bits and bobs.
Maddy and i found this website and decided to try out some of the blending packages – she did one today and really liked it. I think she is going to need an awful lot of practise in this area and formulaic repetitive stuff suits her, so it is worth a go. She was ever so happy about what she achieved anyway.
Amelie was very happily working on some multiplication and some reading again; she’s got no problem with working up to find an answer in times tables but they all need to work on “just knowing” them – so we’ve set up a cash incentive challenge. Each of them has 2 columns for each of the tables, “say it” and “know it” – the first is when they can say it through correctly and the second when they can be tested randomly on that table. 50p per tick for 11 tables each, which can only be claimed once they’ve got the whole set ticked. 😆
Fran did some GP English – i need to look through it but she tried very to make it neat, used her thesaurus, asked about some bits and we chatted about WW2 and rations/coupons etc too.
Meanwhile, all of them had music lessons going on; Amelie and Fran are busy working on festival pieces now, Maddy is still plugging away at her book and trying to relax while playing. Then all of them had a piano lesson together to start learning notes and fingerings etc. Fran is working towards Grade 2 now (not sure if Amelie is working towards Grade 1 or not yet) but really looking forward to getting some keyboard skills. R pronounced the keyboard a very satisfactory one.
At lunchtime we went out for them to all have a trial Taekwondo session as Maddy was keen on the idea. Really liked the place and the instructor and it was lovely to see them do something where Maddy was the one who shone straight away. Deeply amused that the have a biometric system for checking in so they can keep a count of who came to which sessions 😆 Maddy adored it, Amelie was funny as she couldn’t resist pointing her toes, Fran thought it was okay and liked some of the spinning kicks and Josie was shy but joined in and thought it would be fun. We’ve started by signing Maddy up to a double and a single session per week (it is a flat rate per month) and if i can work out how to fit Josie in, she can join too. Fran and Amelie might do some at point but prefer gym for now. Maddy started tonight and looked in her element.
Fran and Amelie went off to squad – they’ve started working on grade work tonight; Fran is apparently doing Grade 4 and is happy to have a free roll on the beam and a 2 bar routine rather than her previous all low bar one. But cross not to have a flic in the floor work, as her grade does a round off-backwards roll-handstand. Sounds very complicated. Amelie looked happy as larry again. Bless her.
Home to pancakes cooked by Josie and Max – yum.
Merry, how old are your children?
11, 9, 7 and 5 – why?