There is a story about me, when i was very little, that i was taken to a PYO farm with my two slightly older cousins. It was a courgette field and my cousins kept taking the vegetables i found (allegedly) before i could, making me extremely cross 😆
Apparently my 3 year old self eventually wandered off to another part of the field, where they wouldn’t take my finds and i staggered back some time later with an enormous marrow.
I thought of this today when Maddy came in with the courgette on the right 😆 (The one in the middle is sort of normal courgette size.) Our first ever successful home grown courgettes; thank you lots of sun and lots of rain 😆
Tonight we had home grown peas, ratatouille, pizza and jacket potatoes for tea. And, for the record, i cooked it all 😆
If you write little I love you messages in them with a pin, your message will magically reveal itself as they get bigger.
Fun, having home grown stuff.
I don’t believe it! 😉
Oh, i HAVE to try that!!!!!!!
You can also make rectangular courgettes if you make boxes for them, then they just grow to fill the space available.
Giggle. Never going to happen!!!!
Just looked at your reading lists – I loved the Jean M Auel books – have you got to The Shelters of Stone yet?
Just bought A Place beyond Courage (Chadwick) so must get to that soon – looks good.
Good luck with your 100 books!
Yes, just finished it this morning. At a bit of a loss now – not sure whether to reread the last couple of HPs or go on to The Once and Future King. Going to miss Ayla.