We had a pleasant weekend with 2 enjoyable days out. First was orienteering in Hinchingbrooke Country Park which we all did and had an absolute ball. With my careful curriculum planning done a year ago, it fitted in neatly with Maddy’s map project 😉 and she was very good at it; so was Amelie. I think, when it comes to maps, Frances and i are better followers than leaders 😆
Sarah, you would really like it. It has clocking in gadgets, timing, competition and trails in all sorts of places. Even league tables 😉
We managed the easiest 2 trails, Fran and Maddy went round on their own for the second and after Fran started listening to Maddy, they got on fine 😉 Fab maps to use that really helped with the key reading thing we’d been doing and they all got the hang of orientating their map so they knew where to go.
And then a last walk for some playing in the trees, which they all loved.
Rather spookily, this did appear to be the very spot where this photo was taken – rather a long time ago now. (Hope you don’t mind Tech!)
She’s changed a bit.
Loved the photo of Amelia!
oh! heart melt Fran – love you so much BFE x x
lovely photos. I might love it, but not with kids, they could slow me down! Steve’s got up early to go racing this morning, I’m about to go on a dawn raid for a ‘FTF’ (first to find)!!
hinchingbrooke is about the only place i miss from down there, it’s a great place.