I had a morning off everything today as i had a chiropractor appointment (back now pretty much completely fixed) and then needed to go and buy some dancing things for a show (white catsuit, glad it’s not me!), pop into work and then go into town to the one remaining, almost entirely inaccessible, branch of our bank. I sent a few emails for work, things that i needed doing for the site and other admin bits and then went into town.
I don’t often get to listen to the radio these days as the girls prefer cds and moan, so it was pleasant to be enjoying the sun, the window open and the peace. Three songs came on – Heaven is a Place on Earth, Spirit in the Sky and Cruel Summer. All have particular memories for me and i was smiling, thinking of the people i remember because of them and rather enjoying the fact that not one of them makes me think of anything sad. I was thinking that Cruel Summer would be a great blog post title, but that for me this summer has been pleasant and enjoyable and that i’d have no reason to use it. And that made me think of people i care about who are sad and of how moving it was to bike ride around Ferry Meadows this week behind the Race for Life people, reading their dedications, pinned to their backs and seeing their passion and determination. And of all the people who, in small ways, make differences.
And then i reached the car park and checked my phone, only to get an email telling me that a close professional colleague, someone who has worked for us on project for the last 2 years has died unexpectedly, leaving a wife and daughter behind. Someone younger than me, with so much going for him and such a massive part of our team of strangely linked work acquaintances. But unusually in website land, someone i had actually met and whose geographical closeness was part of choosing to use him because it was good to be using the skills of another local small business.
K was a really lovely bloke to work with; professional, courteous, polite, local and happy to come out to see us or work over the phone with us. He was quick and accurate, creative, thoughtful and helpful. He was charmingly, tear-jerkingly in love with his wife, thrilled to be a new dad and the pleasure that brought him simply bubbled over into the hundred of emails we exchanged over our working relationship. He made an enormous difference to our business and to many other businesses and i know he’ll leave a huge hole in our team and in many others. And the thought of his wife and daughter left without him is simply ripping a piece out of my heart. I’m stunned.
God bless K. Thank you.
It’s so sad isn’t it? A will be 1 on Saturday 🙁 I tried to call you just after 9 this morning to tell you as I couldn’t remember which email addy to use. That’s two people I know in the last two years who have died in the same way as well.
I was trying to call you too 🙁
Im so sorry for you, and for the wife and child of your colleague too. Thinking of you all. xx
So sad…….Happening far too often, too!!!!!!