With thanks to Tech for the title and Grit for her series of posts and inspiration 😉
Today, our poor children made polymer chains and explored non-Newtonian fluids, ate a healthy meal in the company of each other and interested adults and then enjoyed the cakes baked by one of them, collaborated on making sure all of them were appropriately dressed for sun and water play and then had a wonderful sunny afternoon, laughing and living in beautiful weather, in a beautiful garden with several adults who love or care for them very much indeed.
HHaricot says
Rubbish Parent says
You’re making a move to Cambridge look ever so appealing, you know.
Emma says
Looks like a perfect day Merry! 🙂
nigel says
Sounds and looks like a Fab day x
Maire says
Just dropped by to thank you for your valiant and brilliant efforts on our behalf today. It beggars belief that Badman and daughter would get so involved at this level.
I think it show they are very threatened by all the brilliantly argued objections to the report.
I find it very heartening.
merry says
🙂 Thank you 🙂