Last wednesday was latinetc and the kids thoroughly enjoyed DaddyBean showing how hot air expanded and contracted. Wine bottles, matches, candles, boiling water and all sorts of exciting apparatus used with out any risk assessment paperwork, no check on clas to adult ratios and no learning goal paper work.
No one got injured. Well, okay, Maddy developed a mild case of pyromania and SB did slightly singe herself, but she is a girl who can pull an injury out of a padded room 😉 And her parent was there.
On the other hand we’ve discussed the ins and outs of it all week, along with related oxygen use questions and so on. Definitely stuck in their heads.
Latin, French, Music and Art all went on as normal, plus a nice healthy lunch and lots of socialising and running around.
Rest of the week is mainly blogged; lots of music lessons, music theory, playing, reading more in our Celtic book and a substantial amount of maths in various forms. Even Josie.
This week we largely declared a PlayMobil week, aside from the mappy stuff and the younger three have had a huge and complicated game running with that. Lovely to listen to and watch. Fran has been volunteering for all sorts at school and helped run the KS1 sports day and is vice house captain for sports day (today, all the others have gone to watch) – her teachers have given her very positive feedback on how great she is at joining in and getting involved. She’s not been so keen on the sex ed and was very unhappy about a fairly scary birth video they watched – quite different to how i’ve tried to describe it (i don’t mention my experience to much!) and some of the ones she has seen as a child.
Yesterday we had a really amazing day out in Cambridge – i’ll blog it more if i ever persuade my phone to release the photos but The Cloth Place was just one of the best executed pieces of art/theatre/free play/learning experiences that i’ve ever seen. Brilliant. The kids literally had to be dragged away – i adored it. If you can get up or down to any of the other sessions people are booking, do – it is really lovely.
Day was perfectly started by the event the week had been leading up to in my planning from last year – as a top off to our map work and our DT/IT map and mapping technology project, as we were leaving the house, the Google Streetmap car drove past! So hurrah, i can tick off the “real life” learning that happened there and as a handy by product, we’ll have proof that my children do leave the house!
Irony? Much?
After The Cloth Place, we had a Starbucks lunch in the park, followed by playing, following a trip to the Anthropology and Archaeology Museum in Cambridge. Kids loved it and it was a perfect end to the day – i love being able to dip into a museum without feeling you have to eke every last bit out of it. Long may they continue to be free. And now i’ve discovered how easy the Cambridge Park and Ride is, we’ll be going much more.
Being home educated sucks 🙂