The kids have had a second laid back week this week (last week!), making the most of the half termites ( 😉 ) It has suited me quite well and allowed me to crack on with some work which needs to be done by the end of Feb. We’re launching a new site every month or so for the next 4 months and the work to get the first one done is the biggy, as it requires everything to be upgraded and reformatted. Had a bit of an annoying false start with it this week but i’m hoping we understand each other better now *sigh* It is ridiculous but my sites are my babies and i get very worried when things aren’t going right with them!
My real babies have been mostly having a lovely time in and out of the houses in the square. Fran felt very grown up when she spent the afternoon with J, armed with her phone for keeping in touch and they’ve biked and played very happily. Maddy spent one day inside avoiding being found out for being a pickle and read a 150 page Horrid Henry book and another day inside being grounded after she got found out 🙄 but she took it with a stoical good humour. I’ve just found a cartoon story of her superhero character (Super Squashy Tomato) which is very funny 😆 She’s been guitaring happily too and seems to be getting more confident at using the computer, which has tended to be too much either mine or Fran’s domain. Just now she is watching something on iplayer. I think reading has been her big thing this week though. She is very keen on the idea of completing her 100 book list (in links) but also needed some down time after Melrose, so quite a bit of the week was spent with her curled up on the sofa with a good book. She’s extremely into CGP books at the moment as well so she’s absorbing info that way; going to introduce her to our Usborne Mini Reference Library today!!! 😉
Fran is working hard at cello as the music festival is coming up soon and also reading lots. Michael Morpurgo is a firm favourite now but apart from playing out she is also enjoying Sims a lot. She’s better for a week or 2 doing something completely different, but i think she’s a bit droopy in general. Schools come out next week and i’m fairly sure that is on her mind and the operation has to be too i think. I’m still just cross that it has to be done again 🙁
I had a chance to watch Amelie at gym; she does look good but i think she is a bit nervous about giving it some welly in case she gets into trouble for something, judging by her body language. They have to split the group soon and i’m not sure if she is showing enough enthusiasm to stay with the best of them. I don’t think it is talent that is the problem and it certainly isn’t flexibility but something isn’t quite right. We’ve had a chat though and i’ve tried to bolster her up a bit.
(Move on a week.)
I’m now having a complete blank about most of the rest. We did Latinetc, i can’t remember the weekend, i made everyone work hard on Monday, Tuesday Josie and i were reduced to 2 tantrums (1 each) during gymmies so that we both had a horrid time, a rep came round with a huge bag of goodies for my children and then were prepared ourselves for the arrival of Kirsty and co and Jax and co. Lots of playing and a very late night followed 😆 I think i also had a fairly hefty weep about Fran going to school and phoned the local junior school to see if she could do next term there to get her head around it a bit. Head phoned back on Wednesday and was really very positive; we’re going to look round on Tuesday, by which time we’ll know which Senior school she is going to. Head seemed happy enough about HE, positive about it being an experience rather than an educational experience, didn’t want her to join before SATS and was generally supportive. Much as i’m anti school, i’m appier about this than going straight to big school. Fran doesn’t know. 🙄
Wednesday we had lots of people her and SBs party to enjoy which was great. Josie and BB eventually pulled themselves together and played 🙄 So all in all we’ve done a lot of socialising; lovely but left me a bit fragile. I wish i could get over this now; i’m bored of it.
Thursday i had a second appointment with a chiropractor; last week he put my shoulder back into place for me, having discovered that it has been displaced for 12 years (that’ll be what all the pain was about then!) fixed something quite dramatically at the bottom of my spine and did something to my neck. When i came back Max could actually see it looked different! It has been so much btter this week which is no mean feat; i’ve been in fairly constant low nagging pain from this for 12 years 🙄 Then Gym/Brownies etc – birdboxes this week and bird feed lard and sed things. Nice week.
Friday i spent at work while Max spent time with the kids. Dancing in the evening and they all came home with a raft of exam notifications – going to be a busy couple of wekends. Today they’ve danced again, i’ve bought size 6 ballet shoes for Fran 😆 🙄 and been given a glowing report of how good she is. They all all in auditions tomorrow so they’ve been rehearsing all day.
not sure what to say about that whole school thing other than whoah, keep us posted on how it goes next week.
(fwiw our first look round a school totally horrified me, even though it was primary and nice, I couldn’t bear the thought of putting them there – it took about 18 months for me to get over doing it, so hugs for it in advance!)