We’re lucky enough to live in a fairly closed road (i hope i don’t regret daring to breathe this out loud by one of them getting knocked over tomorrow) and so “go out and play in the road” is a fairly common command around here; this week, with it being half term, their bunch of playmates are all home so the 10 or so of them that do, have been scootering, biking, ball gaming, gossiping and arguing outside since we got back. Maddy has used her skateboard a reasonable amount but has struggled to cope with not being immediately able to do it; given she’s mainly done a good bit of post Melrose meltdown this week (tears at everything and a lot of losing her temper with herself and the rest of us), she’s probably done quite well to just keep trying. The rest have mainly just enjoyed more time with friends. Josie and L from next door have done their normal spitting cat impressions; well i say that, JOSIE has spat like a cat, L just wants to chase her and hasn’t quite grasped yet that Josie is mainly just no fun to play with 🙄
Poor Josie; in a general sense i have a lot of sympathy for her, but she does seem to have a genetically inherited tendency to assume the world is against her and be angry with it, which is a shame. There are no limits to the cliches really, but definitely “cutting off her nose to spite her face” would be one of them. She’s a delicately balanced soul who wants to bring everyone down with her at the moment. I’ve been very soft, too soft, and so am currently engaged in some tough love to un baby her a bit and get her standing on her own two feet. We had a fairly robust experience of it today, but i have to say that carrying it through did eventually yield her playing happily in the garden after all 🙄
Maddy is more doing her “oh my god i made it through and now i need to hide under a bed for a week” thing. She has wept about 5 times a day, nearly broke her guitar over her knee yesterday, shouted at all of us and been inconsolably hurt by people for no reason at all. No matter how long i have her, Maddy still surprises me with this and i never fail to be annoyed that she acts perfectly fine in front of other people and collapses at home. Stiff Upper Lip is Maddy’s cliche.
Fran is being a bit of a joy; she is practising cello LOADS, reading ferociously and enjoying her work. We’ve done Latin while watching Maddy at gym, science, history, talked over the current HE situation and the meaning of Easter (she is such a cynic, i am shocked!). She is loving myths and legends and very excited by books on Arthur and Beowulf and has finished the first chapter of GP Latin. She loved todays latinetc group and enjoyed group music with Helen and co. I watched her at gym on Monday and couldn’t believe how she had improved; backwards and forwards walkovers and much more strength. I could hear the coaches talking about her and the next day one came over to tell me that they were really pleased with her progress. As they said, she just WILL NOT give up, even when she falls on her head (sense knocked out of her?).
Maddy is happily reading Horrid Henry and Jeremy Strong and very into CGP workbooks and text books, which she reads ALL the time now. Must encourage her to move on to our reference shelves a bit too. Amelie is doing music without being asked, reading anything she sees and i’m going to watch her at gym tomorrow.
Enjoyed Latin today and also then going to the Beans after for leisurely giossip, music and tea. Thanks to all for hospitality 😉
Yep, she is definite youngest child right now. Ho hum.
bless them all…
Josie was very like that when we had them at G&Gs that weekend – I was maybe a bit firm with her … had Maddy made choice about birthday presents?