… we get on with educational pursuits.
The last 2 Thursdays we’ve had really good Brownie sessions – 2 weeks aog i led my first session and we did cress and mustard and bean sprouting, as part of the Seasons badge. This week many of them dressed up in Chinese outfits and we made red envelops (decorated with gold buttons from Restore) and red chinese lanterns and then fed them all chinese takeaway. That was a huge success 🙂 Josie had to come with me and behaved beautifully, playing with toys in the corner for a while, then joining in games (so long as no hand holding involved!) and then joining Fran’s Six for crafts. She was very happy and highly amusing when she had to fend off the cuddle attempts of the Brownies more used to Amelie being there. “I am not like Amelie. I am shy and i do not cuddle people i don’t love.” 😆
Thursday music lesson not so good and much arsing about from all but Maddy. I was not so amused. We’ve booked an extra for this week and i’ve been paying closer attention to practices. (Can i train Maddy and Amelie out of saying ‘pracksit?’ Nope.)
Can’t entirely think what else went on, more Latin i think and general doing and getting on with stuff.
We had a lovely weekend with dancing lessons fitted in, some playing out with the local kids and a huge amount of watchnig the dvd of the dance show. 😆 Fran has been told she can take her Grade 2 ballet a term earlier than the rest of her class as she is good and more than ready, then she’ll get pushed up a bit and put into a class doing more advanced stuff to challenge her a bit more. I feel for her a bit as she is caught in a cleft stick really; she loves her Saturday class as it has 2 very good friends in it (one who she mainly only sees there and at Brownies, which she’ll have to leave at Easter) and she is reluctant to leave them behind but absolutely aching to be doing dance that is more challenging. I don’t know what to advise her really, so am leaving it to her to decide. Trouble is, she is quite good really, she has the knack of looking like a dancer and moving like a dancer even when her technique still needs work, and she is good at mimicking teachers and people she sees, so being with older girls would be good for her. Anyway, we’ll see. Luckily all her dancing exams are the 2 weekends before her op date (27th March) so they won’t get messed up and her music festival is mid March. Not sure how fit she’ll be for the BartBean party or Easter theatre school but we’ll cross that bridge later.
Yesterday i spent all day playing board games to make up for spending Saturday attempting to be political; we played That’s My Fish, The Hungry Caterpillar, Clock Lotto (1 piece missing, argh!) and then a riotous game of The London Game which i loved as a kid and was great fun with them. Obviously we had the dance show on in the background and stopped to watch each dance any of them were in. In the evening we snuggled up on the sofa as a 6 and watched Kung Fu Panda.
Today was enjoyable too; everyone worked and we played too. Maddy is still on her story, which has now become some Arthurian Epic, Fran is heavily into Latin and trying to summon up the attention to detail required for singular and plural verbs and Amelie is continuing in her attempt to go from being right handed to left handed so she can be like me. Having Amelie in the house is like having my own personal cheerleading squad 😆 Josie and she made sentences with a game and played maths rods with Madison when she came round. We all oggled the ipod touch belonging to Auntie Kate (i neeeeed one). Fran discovered she can in fact change fractions into percentages if she just engages her brain for more than a nanosecond and spent a lot of time reading The Daring Book for Girls.
We all had our hairs cut, some people did music (Amelie is fighting her fingers which now need to work and don’t appear to be connected to her brain) and we admired the growing bean seeds, planned an Annie montage, adored Madison, drew a bit and well.. oh iu dunno. Everyone was happy anyway 🙂
had wondered if the op date would clash with the party, don’t worry if you need to cancel us staying … or we can just leave it until the last minute to decide?
No, it will be fine. At worse she’ll just be a bit sore i hope but she should be recovered enough to enjoy company. In fact, if anything it will do her good to have some people around by then, assuming it all goes much as last time.