The Christmas break seems to have come and gone fairly quickly, though no doubt slower than for most. I have this idea in my head that we get 10 days of hunkering down as a family but in fact i think that happened once or twice and hasn’t happened for a while. We’ve had visitors and we’ve gone visiting and it has all been lovely and unmissable but i haven’t entirely felt i have vegged.
Still, no matter.
Max and i have done occasional shifts at work on as many days as possible, leaving aside the “painting the floor” debacle that occurred at work and we’re moving from one room to another. It’s quietly busy, as it were, so reasonably encouraging. I’ve been trying to fix some broken bits of website and come up with my own job description while thinknig about making space in my head to getting back to HE mum. I might even have to orgo-plan, thoguh i don’t suppose it will be very impressive.
We’ve all AC:CF’d together which has been nice and we’re looking forward to joining the Latinetc group very soon. Max and most girls have played FIFA on the Wii and Josie has loved her DS; Amelie mainly dances. Fran has fallen in love with Latin and has been trying her hardest (and trying my meagre recollections) to uncover some basics. I can remember the smallest amounts, just enough to get her going but i’m glad someone else will take over soon. There has been a good deal of game playing too and some rabbit worship, cooking and frequent anti0-not reinfestation grooming. The big girls are considering their ‘after-school’ options and thinking about some stuff that isn’t performance based. I’m quite up for that but we’ll see; we’re perhaps likely to need to be more careful about money soon i would say.
We’ve watched films; Wall.E, Spiderwick Chronicles, Prince Caspian, Stardust and more and today i watched Summerhill with the girls and the Doctor Who announcement… alack… what will i do for eye-candy now? Chuckled a good bit at Fran expounding on how it was wrong to try and make kids sit in a room and learn stuff ALL day and talked a lot about how Summerhill and HE fitted together. Wondering how the school thing will go now; she refuses to be drawn by me on it at all but told my SIL that she was mainly going for 2 reasons, 1) to please some people who felt it would be a good idea :(s and 2) to try it and see if it was actually worth bothering with. Kind of wish she had more positive reasons to be honest but i’m assuming it is all going to come out in the wash.
Lovely quote from Josie when i asked her if she wanted to learn to read “Actually, Auntie Sue read me a story and i said the words after her so i can read cos she has already taught me.”
Oh, okay then.
Lol at Josie’s comment. We have lots of that here too from M. Apparently after one session he can play football and doesn’t need to again because he knows how, can swim, read and ski!
Makes our lives easier, anyway.
Happy New Year!
We had from Rowan just this morning – asked her to tidy her room a little bit as I couldn’t actually get in the door – as in it wouldn’t open! I said – can you just pick up a few of the food bits and put them in the pizza box..
Well I can’t tidy up my toys cos I don’t know which box says Pizza!
Ah…. the cleverness!
I think the new doctor is a fairly good bit of eye candy…. stil no DT though.