There hasn’t been a great deal to report here over the last couple of weeks really. I can’t tell you much about the kids cos i haven’t really seen them and when i have it has mainly been either flopping on the sofa or getting in late and discovering that despite being at home all day with a list of speciific things to do, they’ve somehow been “too busy” to do music/EC/tidying etc Despite that, with a bit of pushing and shoving from the edges, they all had a really good music lesson last Thursday; Amelie is getting on much better now she has the right size violin for her fingers and has settled down in her lesson a bit now so she actually concentrates and gets on. R has worked out that Fran is quite goal driven (i hadn’t really thoguht about this but having seen her respond to this new challenge i can see it is true) and so has set her a piece for the Peterboroguh Festival in March and also started her on some Grade 1 stuff. Total change for Fran, who was being a bit reluctant (i think because she couldn’t feel herself progressing) and she’s now very keen to play each day again. Maddy is loving doing chords and she and i have a couple of pieces to play together; she is getting on very well, especially now she’s had a few weeks to come to terms with sitting differently and using her fingers more than a plectrum.
Not sure what else; took the younger 2 for their measles jabs, which impressed them not at all and have managed to waft past a few people. Yesterday we had a lovely 14th December with Marcus, Michelle and Chloe, which was a badly needed oasis of calm in a hectic time and the perfect way to spend a day that i find a bit emotional anyway. Saw Tim, Big and Big’s big sister (who looks and acts so like my cousin that i had trouble remembering it wasn’t at times!) and otherwise just chilled out. Kids played beautifully, the company was wonderful and the food divine (and we were very glad L couldn’t manage all her veggie food so that we could eat it later!)
Got home safely having only just avoided a marital because i had to ask Max to stop driving so close to the cars in front (do YOU want to drive???? i heard him say in his head). I’m not sure how this has occurred; i’ve never been bothered by this because Max and i seem to have similar driving styles and i learned my stopping distances from him (he is just about the only person i have been a passenger for since i learned) but since we got the new car he seems to have halved them and i get incredibly distressed by it, especially at night. Of course, it is probably more to do with the accident, it only seems to be a problem at night when i just focus on the break lights but also that i’m much more aware now of how short the seconds are when someone does something unexpected in front of you and i was actually struggling to stop myself screaming last night. He did, bless him, acquiesce to my request and once he did, i was immediately fine about it. He is a much more confident driver than me and does tend to drive more to the abilities of the car, so he probably is driving closer now the car we have is a bit ‘fresher’, shall we say, but really, i don’t like it.
Last push this week now; if we can just get throguh the bits that still need doing then we can have a nice week next week… fingers crossed. Still have some stock to sell off, so don’t want it to go quiet too quickly, but easing off would be nice!
Funny how they’re always too busy for the tidying.
I have always been a confident driver but was a nervous wreck as a passenger for months after my smash, Ian had to leave enormous gaps between us and the car in front, I have msotly forgotten about it and am fine. I do get flashbacks if I have to stop suddenly though, I get a shock through my arm and feel positively sick, nice! Rarely now though
Was very lovely to see you all. As it always is xx.