Josie was extremely thrilled this week when we bought her a sub to Education City;i put her on the nursery level (lots of rhymes, some letters and numbers and basic computer skills) and she has loved it all week. I think it is mainly the opportunity to do some “education maffs” that appeals to her but they’ve all indulged her thoroughly and helped her do bits, or joined in. It has been very cute indeed.
We had an uneventful week i think but then on Friday, Fran and Maddy went off on Brownie camp, Fran’s 4th (and last as a Brownie but i’ll be an owl by next year and hopefully she’ll be able to pop in and see everyone) and Maddy’s second. I went for the first evening and helped set up as Grey Owl had concussion and i wanted to be willing; ended up wishing i had stayed all weekend really as it had a great atmosphere. The theme was Victorian Christmas, so we decorated and then took them carol singing around the village; i’ve not had a chance to talk much to them about it yet, but i think they had a lovely time. Amelie and Josie spent the weekend with my parents, mainly with my Dad and have come home very happy and very tired.
Max and i spent the weekend working on BM/PM (i think it is really PM now, the beads are rather squeezed out these days!) It is busy (cue instant retail death) but seems to be running smoothly; staff are happy, it is mostly quite organised and we’re keeping on top. But we are sending out well in excess of 250 parcels a day now, which is quite scary. We are already more than 25% busier than we ever got last Xmas and the big weeks are probably still to come, though i think people are spreading their spending more this year (not me, i haven’t started!) We got lots done, enjoyed working together and it felt positive. If we can just bring ourselves to believe we can definitely trust it to keep going (and this economic climate makes that scary) we really could work together so well because our skills complement each others perfectly. I can’t believe the GBP/Euro price; i’ve got 1 supplier i have to pay in Euros now and i’ve just been watching the cost of the bill rise by the day….
Speaking of such things, i don’t often do this any more but if you want an unusual doll for a present, i heartily recommend these Rubens Barn dolls; i absolutely adore them. I can honestly say i have never seen dolls so loved in this house. Josie and AMelie take their everywhere, sleep with them, play with them and love them. The are wearing beautifully; for dolls that spend every night in bed with thme, they still look lovely and the hair isn’t matting at all. They are so soft, have such adorable faces and really seem like friends. So hard to explain unless you see them, but they are incredibly personable. I find them charming.
I’ve just bought up the last stock of my UK supplier so i’ve got quite a few (at a good price) which i’m passing on and lots of thme have discounts or a free one attached. Honestly, i don’t do mad plugs any more, but if you are at a loss for a present, i really do recommend them. The mid range ones are lovely, the smallest are cute but harder to interact with and the big ones sit on your hip like a toddler. Try one, they are just SO beautiful. The new ones are ones i’ve imported specially from Sweden, the loveliest in the range i think but blame the Euro rate for the difference in price 🙁
rubens barn
Anyway, what else. Oh yes, Max and i went to see the Bond; i’m not a huge Bond fan, except for the history of them being such a THING but i loved it (stupid theme tune though) – and was glued to it. Enjoyed every moment. Love Daniel Craig as Bond and loved the Bourne-ness of it, the darkness and thought the plot more than adequate. Enjoyed the idea of his character developing and becoming more and thought they set the stall out for a more modern day set of Bonds to come. 9/10 from me 🙂
Bond still hasn’t opened here *rolls eyes* but then we are a million miles away from nowhere out here ;o)
FWIW I believe you can do it
I have to say – heartily adding to the recommendations – my girls love those dolls too. They get carried round a lot.. Haven’t seen Bond yet but want to… everyone I’ve spoken to has loved it. Wish I could go! SO SKINT!!
Josie looks cute in that photo 🙂
well I do still need presents for Robyn and Lola … might come and be one of your 250 one day!
PLease do 🙂
It’s more than 250 now; we got up to 280 royal mail ones yesterday and that doesn’t count the 20 courier or the 150 we didn’t do!
I hope you still do those when niece is a bit bigger, they look lovely but she is the only girl I have to buy for and I already raided Claires site for baby toys!
I shall of course be placing my large order once we pass the 1st. I don’t believe in shopping before then!
thanks for posting this cos I like your home-ed resources page and often read your blog but haven’t visited the shop for a long time. I was amazed at how much everything has grown and what a wide range of toys you have now. I placed an order last night for presents for my 3.
thanks and best wishes for success in the future.