“Remember, remember, the 5th of November…”
I don’t really, not the one from 2004, except that i ended up with a gorgeous little girl, Josephine Susannah Belle, who was born on that day. After 4 years i’ve finally written up her birth story and you can find it over on the left of the blog if you wish 🙂
Josie is now a glorious, stubborn, contrary, emotionally self-sustaining, articulate, intelligent, outrageous 4 year old. She was part of the family from the moment she arrived, not bad given that by the time she was 2 weeks overdue i told my midwife i was bored and didn’t even want a baby any more 😉
She is the most like me of all my children, not good at being told no, very able to entertain herself, able to hold her own among her sisters and extremely, extremely stubborn. We adore her. She has been an extremely rewarding baby and toddler for me, the one who made me feel i had done well and that i knew what i was doing. She taught me how to move on from a birth, she let me feel i was a successful breast feeder and she has been startlingly herself from the minute she was born.
I really do adore her but, as she mentions frequently, she is not a baby, she is not a little girl… she is now a BIG girl and i have to remember that.
However, she is still obsessed with my breasts; until she stops groping me, i think she can still be my baby 😉 😆
HelenHaricot says
well done on the birth story. bb will reluctantly agree to be my baby.
mrs hojo says
A very Happy Birthday Josie
Nic says
Aw, happy birthday Josie X
S is quite the opposite and adamant she is still my baby at nearly 6 – she doesn’t have the breast thing going on however! 😆
Em says
Happy Birthday Josie!!
And glad you wrote up her birth story 🙂
Claire says
Happy Birthday Josie!
Allie says
Happy Birthday Josie!
tammy says
Happy birthday Josie!! Have a wonderful day.
Amanda says
Happy birthday to Josie :0)
Vic says
Happy birthday Josie! Hope she has a great day.
Elizabeth says
Happy Birthday to Josie!
Deb says
Happy Birthday to Josie 🙂
Greer says
Happy Birthday JOSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of love from me and BN and the girl x x x x
get card? x x x
Greer says
hmmmm that should say GIRLS not girl…
Joanna says
Hooray for adorable breast-groping 4-year olds! Both yours and mine and any others there may be. They make life quite fantastic, don’t they? Very happy birthday to Josie, and well done on writing the birth story. Hope it helped.
Caroline says
Happy Birthday Josie – I simply can’t believe she was born four years ago – the years fly past to fast – we blink and they’re big 🙁 I think her and E would get on so well. I hope we meet in person sometime soon 🙂 Meanwhile enjoy what’s left of her babyhood and have a great day together!
SallyM says
Glad you got to write up the birth story at last. I don’t think you “let” them do anything, they had all the power, you were exhausted, drugged up and in labour. But it was a long time ago and its a long time to carry the anger with yourself or them so *hugs*. Funny that Josie insists she is a big girl, DS3 (6) was horrified when I commented what a cute baby it was on the TV. “But I’m cute” he said, “That baby is only a little tiny bit cute” LOL!
grit says
birthday cake for the entire week sounds like a good idea, don’t you think?