RIP Big Green Monster Car 🙁
The man with the final say decided it wasn’t allowed to be repaired; at least, initially he phoned and said he could but that was when he thought it had only done 50,000 miles whereas in fact it had a previous dashboard console that had done 80,000 miles. So that was that and it’s written off. I have loved that car, i shall be very sorry to see it gone. It did look a bit beaten up by the end, but after a shaky start, it has done us very well for 4 years. We’ve had it since just before Josie was born and i’ve been all over the place, 60,000+ miles in it.
Maddy is inconsolable about it, which is rather sad. Poor old girl. I’m mostly upset that we’ll probably buy a grey car next (all the ones we’ve seen seem to be grey!) and i did love being so bright and noticeable. Max has seen something that he’ll look at on Friday; hopefully it will be okay.
Otherwise; i went to work today. Apparently there was lots of music done but i’m not sure what else. When i got back, there was some courtesy/hire car malarky to do and then we had a lovely afternoon with Michelle and Chloe. The kids mainly played out and we got some talking done, trying mostly not to focus on the dreary prospect of becoming a school mummy 🙁
You’re not to worry about the car colour any longer. Clo and I stopped off on the way home for some spray cans and we’ll have your new car looking bright and noticeable in no time :-).
You’re not to worry about the car colour any longer. Clo and I stopped off for some spray cans on the way home and we’ll have your new car looking bright and noticeable in no time :-).
Sending this again as don’t know where it went the first time.
hugs for car traumas, having recently wept the loss of my beloved punto! what about car transfers to jazz it up!!
ohh, i am modded! must be the link for car transfers/stickers!!
hmm, actually it just seems to be vanishing!! not even saying i am modded 😥
Being a school mama’s not that bad 😉 Today I got to go to a talk about next July’s 3 day trip to the Isle of Wight, which was very entertaining due to the constant reassurances that it would be “fun AND safe” 😆 Also, it supposedly increases independence, at which I told Violet she couldn’t go – if she gets any more independent she’ll have moved out 😉 It would certainly piss me off if I had to do a school run though 🙁
Crappy about the car though. Hope the right one comes along soon.
Paint big pink flowers on it!
Ah, we will miss the ‘Merrymobile’ as SB calls it 🙂
Ooo-er, seem to have had a sex change
If it’s not too late don’t accept the first offer on the car, if you have had it serviced regularly, new tyres etc, send copies of the invoices and ask for more £, they just look up an average price and offer you that,
hope you find something good as a replacement
Hm. Max says a flat no to stickers, meanie. (One we’ve seen does have 7 seats though, which isn’t 9 seats but will be easier to park!)
Apparently the school is being rebuilt as of this summer… hm… lol at Violet!
We got more for the car than expected by about £400 so can’t really complain.
I do wish my blog would relax on the modding, it seems to have taken wildly against caroline, alison and michelle, with random other attacks on other people too.
I sympathise about the colour, our audi is grey and I hate it for being both boring and grey, after the purple alpina! Steve would agree on the stickers though but perhaps he and Max are both mean (probably!)
Being a school mum has its moments. Certainly the school run was the absolute worst bit of it and I’m very glad I don’t do it any more! Actually being a parent at secondary level seems much better than primary level, if that’s any consolation. Probably not much!
I want an orange car. All the rest look so boring. Should I not get my orange car I might be forced to decal it to death, that site has some very cool dragons but I think I’d rather have a VW camper style mural on it LOL!
£400 not to be sneezed at :o)
Sarah, well, a bit… any lifelines are good.
Oh Merry, please don’t ruin the next 11 months upsetting yourself about the possibility of Fran going to school! It’s just not worth it xxx
No, i’m going to have an extremely good 11 months, that way maybe she won’t want to go!!!!!!
That’s the spirit 😉
I was talking to a friend from HE group – her daughter is 8, and has muttered about school on and off for a while, and D finally found herself thinking that perhaps she *should* let her go to school. She was saying that it had made her feel bad, like a failure, etc, and asked me if I felt like that with Violet? I felt rather callous and unempathetic saying no, but as I thought about it afterwards, realised that Violet has never made me feel like she’s going to school because of some failing of HE. She’s going because that’s what she has to do, and to take it personally would be as daft as feeling rejected because your 20 year old is leaving home.
So have a good year, and if she wants to go and see what it’s like, well, you’ll miss her, but you’ve raised a child with a sense of adventure so you just have to deal with it 😉
P.S. Oh, and btw LOADS of Violet’s year are teeny tiny – she’s definitely more of an outlier sizewise than Fran would be.
P.P.S. Age 9 Pumpkin Patch jeans? Fran’s or Abbie’s? If Fran’s, think I now have a full complement of Puddle girl knickers (amongst other assorted clothing …), so no need to pack underwear when they come at the end of the month!
not ours!
Have been thinking about you two ….
It’s hard isn’t it, because school’s such an (almost) universal experience, that everyone feels they know something about it and has advice for your family, whether it’s useful or not. (I mean, look how much I’ve waffled on in this thread! 😆 )
And of course if you say anything negative about school, or that you don’t want her to go, then non-HEors immediately think you’re some crazy over-protective nutter who’s going to lock her in the cellar until she’s 30!
My feelings about school are lukewarm. I think it’s unnecessary really. I would not want a child under about 9 going. But I try not to go round telling other people that perhaps they should try HEing their children, because the child might like it. (Think I have said this to ONE person, and her son is still at school, and finally, several years later, a bit happier about it.)
So, my ultimate advice (lol!) is to do what feels right for you 6, same as you have been doing for the rest of her life, and ignore the rest of us because we’ve all got our own agendas 🙂