We’ve had one of those “home ed should be like this” sort of days (I’m making an effort; for 1, Fran has decided to try senior school… sob… and for another my life is suddenly unexpectedly looking more promising).
First thing we had the first visit from our new music teacher, who is coming to the house fortnightly to do a variety of music lessons with everyone. For the first month she is going to come weekly to get everyone going and then we’ll try fortnightly. It was lovely to see her and all the girls enjoyed themselves; Fran has slipped into bad habits over the summer so got a good workout, Amelie started violin and Maddy got some things to try with her guitar (which she has so far taught herself and done really rather well!) We’re going to do keyboard too when i pull my finger out – and i’m going to learn that too.
While that was going on, i mainly sat in on it but also kept the others working. Fran started on some verbal reasoning but it became quickly obvious that she didn’t know the countries and capitals of the countries of Europe so we moved on to some geography. She spent most of the morning listing countries, capitals and rivers, colouring maps, labelling seas and borders. She loved it and got on very well. Enchanted Learning, as it has done for my whole home ed life, came up trumps 🙂 Maddy and Amelie did various bits of everything else very happily and it all just worked.
Yesterday, the school admission booklet arrived for senior schools for Fran. She’s ummed and aahed about this for a while but is now quite certain she wants us to visit them all and apply for a place. I’m in a few minds, mainly because all the senior schools here are a bit less than i might like and mainly because she seems to have a lot of feelings about it. I’ve got no idea where it will go, i can’t say i’m happy at the thought of it but i do feel we have to support her through the process. We’re going to be here longer than we initially planned now, so schools weren’t really a consideration when we bought the house – and ironically, the choice would have been more appealing where we used to live. That said, kids local to here go to our local comp and seem okay and it is a sports and performance specialist school, so it might suit her.
Times are changing, it would appear.
This evening we’ve been to Brownies, where i am now Screech Owl. I have to say, i really love helping out there. It is so nice to do something again that doesn’t make me money. Kids are great, adults are friendly and it just makes for a change. Love the people watching too but was mostly rather awed by how good Fran is at being a Sixer; she’s a great big sister but she’s got something about her being a Sixer. There were lots of new kids tonight, she got a new one into her Six and watching how she was welcomed by Fran and her Six made me feel all warm and cuddly 🙂
Caroline says
You can always apply now and take the rest of the next year to decide for sure – and withdraw the application if you change your minds for certain. We applied for Jake and then let the school now ‘in the nic of time’ that he wasn’t coming. He wanted to go, but I just didn’t want to risk it tbh. And also with an imminent move it didn’t make sense to start him and then pull him – esp’ as the uniform costs a mint!!
mrs hojo says
smirking slightly as ‘screech owl’
glad things are going well for you.
Fran will sort herself out rather well I think, if she tries school and it doesn’t suit all you have lost is the cost of Uniform (gulp) and she will know if she needs to be there or not
tbird says
glad you are enjoying being an Owl!
Don’t know what to hope for with Fran and the school thing, I guess it’s “hope she makes a choice she is really happy with” and either way you can be proud of your biggest Puddle Girl!
HHaricot says
group music lessons seem really fab. wish you lived closer to here!! must meet up
Joanna says
I am Little Owl at T’s Brownies! (Not that I really wanted to officially be a helper, but she won’t let me leave!).
Thank you so much for the very generous donation and lovely comment too 🙂