“Researchers in the US say that they have solved the mystery of why flies are so hard to swat.
They think the fly’s ability to dodge being hit is due to its fast acting brain and an ability to plan ahead.”
Well, thank you. Is it me, or have we ALL known that for years and years and years and years……
I was told once (as a child) that it was because flys see in slow motion so are able to move out of the way. Now I think about it that explanation makes no sense at all really but I believed it because the evidence (never being able to get a fly with a teatowel) supported it.
I’m not sure there’s a difference between seeing in slow motion, and thinking quickly – they’re both relative, so they both describe the same phenomenon. The fly has more time to react to what he sees than I do.
I was told (no idea when or by whom!) that it was because flies have compound eyes.
Isn’t it amazing what nonsense researchers will spend money on??
Doesn’t stop me killing them off with a flick of a tea towel. Does result in a lot of extra washing though. I always assumed it was because they felt the air moving toward them as the towel flicked that gave them a bit of a warning.