So where are we?
To be honest, i’ve not been blogging much lately as i’ve been concentrating either on the sites or on some personal writing that is rather wearing me out to say the least. Actually both are, but i’m working on the basis time put in now is time saved later on both counts, and trying to go with the flow. I’ve been surprised by how much the personal writing is helping me, not least making me understand why i’ve withdrawn so much in the last couple of years. I’m not entirely sure how to overcome that yet, but acknowledging it is helpful. ***edited out stuff i’ll save for some other time***
We had THE WEDDING!!!!!! which was fantastic. I was so impressed with what Greer and BN did with it. The girls had a fabulous time and i thoroughly enjoyed it, it was lovely to have so much fun with family. I got endless compliments about my girls (Rowan and Ella came in for a fair bit of that too!) and i also got a round of applause for my reading, which was very good for my ego! I did love doing it, i’d forgotten what fun being on a stage (how fab to get married on a stage, if i ever do it again, i’ll do that!) was. I read this
Yes i’ll Marry You, By Pam Ayres
Yes, I’ll marry you, my dear,
And here’s the reason why;
So I can push you out of bed
When the baby starts to cry,
And if we hear a knocking
And it’s creepy and it’s late,
I hand you the torch you see,
And you investigate.
Yes I’ll marry you, my dear,
You may not apprehend it,
But when the tumble-drier goes
It’s you that has to mend it,
You have to face the neighbour
Should our labrador attack him,
And if a drunkard fondles me
It’s you that has to whack him.
Yes, I’ll marry you,
You’re virile and you’re lean,
My house is like a pigsty
You can help to keep it clean.
That sexy little dinner
Which you served by candlelight,
As I do chipolatas,
You can cook it every night!
It’s you who has to work the drill
and put up curtain track,
And when I’ve got PMT it’s you who gets the flak,
I do see great advantages,
But none of them for you,
And so before you see the light,
I do, I do, I do!
which was just so much fun!!! Greer looked gorgeous, like a cleaned up and sexy version of Amy Winehouse (that IS a compliment) and all the fellas were in brown and the matron of honour was too; very lovely indeed. Greer just seemed to be having so much fun – it felt like our wedding was very serious by comparison! My only complaint was i never got any of the cake! Hotel was fabulous, Coombe Abbey (unfortunately in the news this weekend for rather sadder reasons), and the rooms were gorgeous.
My job was mainly to be in charge of Rowan and Ella but unfortunately the minute i walked in the room, Ella took violently against me (to the point of preferring to back up against a total stranger rather than come near me!) and she still hasn’t forgiven me, depsite me attempting bribery with product!
Uncle Rich and Relatively-Larger-Ella.
(We’re hopeful they may even be the next happy couple. Not that Greer and i would be prepared to tie them down and drag them personally to the altar or anything you understand.)
Bride and Mother of Bride (aka Granny!)
Some of my highlights of the day, aside from the actual wedding bit (my reading was last in the ceremony so i was mildly distracted!) were
*the speeches – Grampty did a brilliant one and BN’s one was inspired (he didn’t have a traditional best man, more a “Team BN” and he did his own speech. I don’t know what was on the series of cards that he handed one after another to Greer, but i really hope that her pelvic floor was in better shape than mine by the end of them… i’ve not sure i have ever seen her speechless before! Without doubt one of the funniest moments of my life.
*being a smart enough mummy to spot they’d just given Amelie a glass of pistachio ice-cream. Although a dodgy moment, i was so impressed that i noticed that it made me feel a virtuous mummy all day!
*the rain stopping long enough for the ceremony and photos so all was well.
*being “with the bride” before hand – i was very very pleased to be there 🙂
*processing 7 bridesmaids into dress, clean knickers, hair bands, shoes and socks (not in that order!) and having no disasters.
*wedding breakfast all together the next day.
*conning Small Ella into staying asleep until 9am and her look of outrage when she finally realised it had been me talking to her all night and not mummy!
*meeting Suburbanmum
*not feeling like a whale.
Back later.
Alison says
We (Buttercup & I) would like a picture of you not looking like a whale, please 🙂
merry says
Ah, the cleverest bit of being behind the camera, is that there are no photos of you. Not ever P2 can take a good pic of me. Besides, i MAY have looked like a whale, i just didn’t feel like i did 😉
Claire says
You have discovered my behind the camera trick! Besides, you do not look like a whale and I am quite sure that you looked lovely!
Swiss Clare says
Great reading. I love Pam Ayres (although have only ever really read her kids stuff).
My 10th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. May have to use it then.
Looks like a great wedding!
Vic says
I’m sure submum will have got a pic of you not looking like a whale! Will go and have words…
Alison says
Yes, someone else must have photos – I will pester Greer until she finds me one 🙂
P2 doesn’t take nice photos of me either …
Sarah says
tried to get the kids to take a nice one of us today and immediately deleted it as we *both* looked pregnant!
Averting the pistachio icecream incident sounds lucky! It looked like a great day all round 🙂
SM says
I can confirm that you did NOT look like a whale. Unfortunately I didn’t take a photo of you and me, which I had meant to! Then you would have all seen how un-whalelike Merry was. I, on the other hand…
greer says
OH I love this post!!! Yay for the wedding!! I want to do it all again – NOW!!
ps – what’s on those cards is a secret never to be revealed! 😉