There has been a lot of moving stuff around in the house recently and there seems to be stuff everywhere because of it. We’re waiting for the little ones furniture and once it arrives we can put stuff in there, then move stuff our of the girls and then we’ll be able to finish off by having shelves put into the cupboard in the study to hold what is left of the stuff that is worth having in the house but takes up room and is clutter too easily. The first bits of kids furniture arrived this week and Max put it up; tomorrow we’ll start putting stuff in it.
The girls spent a lot of Saturday playing with rabbits, playing games and playing out in the street with the close kids. So that gave me some time to work (finished the wooden toy food section!) but among other things, we picked up a shoe rack from town and put that into the cupboard made from the box corner. I’ve also put coat hooks in there, so now it should be a place for kids coats, shoes that aren’t their “by the door” pair and swimming/dancing/gym bags. I also re-instated the spare dancing shoes box and the hat and glove box in there too; hopefully that will reduce a certain amount of “leaving the house for x,y or z lesson” stress!
We went into town on and ordered the other sofa for the lounge – Max got a bit carried away and ordered a sideboard and hi-fi unit too from their Maharani range, both intended to be board game cupboards. That means the lounge is now properly furnished with stuff that will have to be nice for about 20 years. But it is nice to have got stuff we like and that we know Gran would have been pleased with us to spend the money on and nice not to be buying IKEA for a change! It comes on Wednesday, at which point the sofa we bought the day after Maddy was born will leave the house for good – bit sad really 🙁 After the trauma of Fran’s birth i was so proud to be up and in town looking for a sofa the day after giving birth 😆
Max then went out to get rabbit food and came home with a seat seat garden set *rolls eyes* but it was marked down from £350 to £105, so i think that means we saved money! ROFL. The man is normally VERY careful about spending, i was slightly gobsmacked! REALLY nice thoguh and we all had dinner out in the garden. Does also mean we have another 6 chairs, very handy for when The Portico come visiting! 😆
Oh – and i did upgrade PoP too, both theme and wp version – thanks to Suburban mum for the theme 🙂
New look website looks lovely. Elle
Just seeing if i have managed to make myself just Merry yet?
Yay chairs 😆 Looking forward to coming up and seeing a transformed house sometime this autumn 🙂
just Merry??? hardly :o)
I love the new look, Its so pretty!
Just testing to see if my gravatar is working now!
Yes, everyone should go and get a gravatar 🙂
or two!
ooh, sounds lovely
hmm, i thought i had a gravatar?