… is bonny and bright in every way!
We spent today with the Manor Born’s (on and off but mostly on!) and also my FIL (in a similar way) at the Shuttleworth Collection Airshow. Perfect weather for it really, not too hot or too cold, no rain and not too much sun. Between the hangars of exhibits, the people dressed up and ready to tell you their world war snippets, the play park and the flying, it was great. Oh – and the company, of course!
My favourites were the WAAFs who showed us how they plotted on a table map using the information coming in from Radar and the Lysander flying, the plane that was used to take SOE operatives into enemy territory. I love seeing history being alive like that when there are such stories of heroism attached to it.
I did also enjoy SMIL’s face when Amelie showed her how well she can do the splits 😆 😯 :wall:
Maddy’s favourite was the playpark and her icecream. 😆 🙄 Fran liked the WAAFs and is big enough now to begin to understand that they really would have stayed at their table even when the airfield was in flames because it might literally have been their boyfriends/husbands/brothers/children dogfighting above them. Very moving.
We also had a walk about in the Swiss Garden and Fran was very taken with the idea of it being an Agricultural College; i’m under orders to get prospectuses of a few so she can have a look as the idea appeals to her and she’d like to know what she’d need to be doing to have a chance of going. (This is an improvement on ballet school, i’m up for it!) MF went to one and so did Max’s mum, so i think the romance of the family tradition appeals too; anyway, we thought we would have a look into it as it might give her focus for the next few years!
Home to a few Dad’s Army episodes; must get some of the colour ones, i think they are easier to follow than the early black and white ones 🙂
Twas a lovely day. Thankyou for letting us know you were going. xx