Friday is a work day for me and i wiggled away quite early and put in a fairly full day there. Lots of PlayMerrily needs updating and getting ready so that everything is done justice by the time Xmas shopping starts. Today i’ve been improving descriptions in the doll section, the Les Cheries (a cute, wholesome Sindy type doll) having been getting my attention and i’m about half way through all the pretend kitchen and wooden food stuff. I love both those sections but i’m now slightly tired of trying to make wooden tea sets sound interesting! I’ve also been raking through both sites and creating buy one get one free offers and spend and save sections. There are some very good value bundled deals on PM, if anyone wants to Xmas shop early! After a VERY good business day yesterday, today has been very fridayish and quiet – i really struggle to cope with it being persistantly flat; even though turnover is still up, the squeeze is on and i can see several of my competitors selling at cost, presumably because they are struggling to cope too. I’m not going to do that, i’d hope to ride it out, but the knock on effect is inevitable. On the internet, price is pretty much everything and comparisons are only a click away. You just can’t hide.
I popped home for lunch; the girls had done a huge 109 foot long family tree of both our families, using post it notes and newsprint – v interesting. Discussion of the aunty of mine who died at birth led to lunch table discussion of rhesus negative blood types – had to tell them to ask Auntie Greer, but perhaps not just before she says “i do”! A small amount of bedroom furniture arrived which Max put together and so did bridesmaid shoes; while i was back at work the rabbits all came in for various playing combinations.
Tonight we’ve read the landslide bit in The Railway CXhildren – find it very hard to read outloud and will probably avoid any more of her books for bedtime, but do enjoy doing nice wholesome breathy Phyl;lis and Bobbie impressions 😆
where is this new template?? I’m getting impatient! 😉
Need to wait till it moves to its new server (overnight i think) and then upgrade to newer wordpress. Currently doesn’t work on this install.
love it! 🙂
I wonder if it will still insist i am anonymous?
Yep – how irritating. Anyone know where you alter the name of the person logged in?
in the administration under user profiles. You’ve lost the blogring though.
Looks lovely 🙂
Ah ha… so i have. Do you have the code for it so i can add it back in? I knew something was missing!
oh I like it 🙂
Wonder if this is better?
Hm, blog ring code makes it all go wonky. Will have to get help.
Merrier Merry R?
She has a name, am rather wondering what other Merry we need to distinguish her from though! And the ring’s back. 🙂
I don’t know which is more impressive, the new template or the fact that you managed to blog every day!
I kinda miss anon though…
Tell you what though, between them, the 2 blog ring codes slow down how fast it loads terribly. Very annoying.