Didn’t go to the doctor today on account of the only appointments being for the patronising one; i really don’t need him prodding me and telling me i need to lose weight. Pah. Will have to wait.
Went to work, forgot my bicarb, had to come back, Fiver got bitten on the top lip by Smartie and had to go to hospital – has come home with a staple in his mouth and anti-biotics. Honestly, it is always someone! Max and i were whittling about the middle girls fighting the whole time last night and now it’s the rabbits! 🙄
Went back to work, spent ages improving descriptions of products in desperate attempt to sell something, came home, everyone hads lost the anti-biotics syringe; went out to get one from Kate, purveyor of all things medical. Came home, dealt with rabbit, played badminton.
All quite eventful – but nothing is as impressive as the EDUCATION!!!!!!
We ALL did “education maffs” first thing, with everyone sat round the coffee table; Amelie was happy with Base 10 stuff, Fran did decimals, Maddy did times by 10 or 100 and Josie did “EDUCATION MAFFS FOR BIG GIRLS!!!!” Then Fran did an 11+ practise thingy and adored it; had to tear it away from her in the end! Maddy did some reading, Fran some cello and then Maddy and i started the Galore Park English book i have got her; she did a comprehension and seemed very positive about the book. Fran and i looked throguh the first chapter of her one and agreed a plan to start on it and then she and i also did the first section of her Galore Park history book. She’s thrilled with it, it has so much in it that pulls her bells, so that is excellent. We made a start on the Norman conquest, the succession disagreements and also on historical sources and how to use them. Later on Maddy, Amelie and i started on the first “what is history?” chapter of their version.
Good day. We even had lunch 🙂
Huh – see, I’ll never manage to be a *real* orgoplanner, I haven’t even ordered the GP books yet! 😆
Oh you must, most inspiring home ed thing i can use twice and then put on the shelf that i’ve bought in years 🙂
if you work out the answer to the fighting thing do let me know, won’t you? Our younger two are still a nightmare on that front!
Groan. Don’t go holding your breath now, will you?
I don’t know what to make of it really; all the rest find getting on very easy but those two have just started to clash shockingly. I actually “think” it might have something to do with the fact that Fran has grown up and away from them a bit (and is occasionally a bit snappy these days! 🙄 ) I think they are being pushed together more and are just too different.
But i don’t really know and i don’t know how to help them get along.
Oh Merry, I know you handcuff your kids to their desks each morning and make them woooooorrrrrk. They’ll have finished those Galore Park books in a couple of weeks, and then you’ll put them back on the shelves and pretend they haven’t been touched. I know 😉
I learned it all from you 😉