This is the mural that Andre (Linzi’s dh) has just done over the weekend for Amelie and Josie’s room. I do love it, it really couldn’t be more perfect.
To make it even better, a range of furniture i have liked the look of for a while has made it back into stock enough for me to order bits of it to finish the room off, so they can have one of these each
and one of these
and a couple of these
(and hopefully i have just spent enough to get away with the linking!) plus one of these for their clothes
Apart from the bedside tables, it will all go in the spaces at the foot of their beds, on each side of the door, so it shouldn’t detract from the mural. And once it arrives, we should be able to get the upstairs into a state of decency, which will hopefully help the rest of the house to achieve a state of decency – and then when we finally sort out the cupboard in the study and find a sofa, we should have the house pretty much done and decorated. Hurrah 🙂
Jenny says
OOH how lovely! It wlill look beautiful when all the furniture is in too!
Sarah says
oh that bookcase thingy with the big ‘chuck everything in’ base is cool, could do with one of those at school …
Jan says
Looks fantastic 🙂
Elle says
Looks lovely and fresh. Elle