Button is my rabbit. She is 6 years old. She is a dwarf lop. She is the oldest of our 4 rabbits and i love her lots. I love to stroke her and some times she sits on my lap and i stroke her while she relaxes. Sometimes we let them out in the garden and she always runs into the foxgloves. Then we have to shoo her out of them because she might eat them and they are poisonous to rabbits and to children. Foxgloves are poisonous to everybody!
Button has a boy friend called Smartie and they live together in the same hutch and run. He is 4 years old and he is a bit stroppy. Smartie is a Mini Lop; Smartie has an enemy in our rabbit group and his name is Fiver. Fiver is only 1 year old. He and Smartie are enemies because they are both boys and boy rabbits don’t like living too close together. So they don’t fight we have to keep them in separate runs but Smartie still stares crossly at him sometimes. Fiver has a girl friend called Clover who lives with him so he doesn’t get lonely.
Clover is our newest rabbit and she is 5 months old. We got her for Amelie’s birthday because Fiver needed a friend to live with. She is the same colour as Fiver, which is dark brown but she is bigger than Fiver and she is a lop, so she has floppy down ears. Fiver is a Netherland Dwarf and has short, pointy ears. He is the smallest type of rabbit and much smaller than Button. Button is a foot long and very fluffy, which is why i like to stroke her. She is white and dark brown and she has a circle of brown on her nose, which is why she is called Button. It looks like she has a chocolate button on her nose!
Every day, we have to feed them their pellets and sometimes straw and hay. We also have to give them fresh water. In the summer, they all drink lots of water. We give them carrot treats and dandelion leaves. We also feed them handfuls of long grass and dock leaves and sometimes carrots we can’t use for cooking. We sometimes put them in a run on the grass but they try to dig their way out and make daddy cross!!!! Once Button escaped and tried to dig a hole out of the garden, under the fence but she stayed sitting in her hutch afterwards. Smartie tried to dig a a tunnel under the house; he isn’t very clever!
The other thing we have to do, is clean them out – it really stinks but apart from that job, i love having rabbits. Rabbits are lovely, i love rabbits. I love rabbits that are big and small!!!!
I love this Maddy. It was fun to read. Thank you. 🙂
Very Good!
Just as impressed with this – well done Brownies!
Well done to Maddie and Fran, your speeches are really lovely and very informative. Thanks. Elle