I’ve not made any calls about room configurations yet, but the flexible space at Medway sounded promising. I’m thinking October, half term if i can get it. Otherwise, i’m thinking Hunstanton, because i know the room at the back would make a good rehearsal room.
I can’t believe i’m even suggesting this…. i never learn!
Ann says
Capstone is nice! We used to live not far from there, and spent a lot of our time next door at Capstone Park! If I can help with info at all just ask.
Jax says
Hm, doubt I could get away as I don’t think we shut october half term, but sounds like Big would love it, maybe we can work something out?
Em says
we’d most probably be up for that, particularly if it is during the week so we’d only miss one gym. Think the girls would love a drama workshop thing.
HelenHaricot says
we would hopefully also be up for it! i have time off in oct, though don’t know whether half term! if unstanton i could day trip
Michelle says
yep great. Half term fine (or either side) but not 16th-19th Oct as Mum and Keith here for Stewartby w/e.