Max had planned to go classic car racing with his dad yesterday, but in the end his dad (who has recently started dialysis and was feeling much better) wasn’t so good again, so he decided to go but take Maddy instead. The rest of us planned to spend the day with my parents and the NutTrees. When we got there, Maddy had a crisis of indecision and really wanted to stay with us and the cousins, but was worried about upsetting Max. She stayed with us in the end and Max went alone; i think, where once a day off would have been bliss, he missed her rather a lot. Still the rain held off for him and he got a peaceful day, which will no doubt stand him in good stead for the new experience he is going to have over the next 10 days or so! 😆 (More anon.)
We all had a nice day; i tried (in that “old people determined to make the toddler sit on them” type of way), to win Ella over but she is holding out on me 😆 Rowan tolerates me though, so if all else fails i shall just pile them with presents and win their hearts with retail 🙂
Greer taught my sister the 12 bar blues and Fran and my mum did some cello; BN did some rather fab bits of mirror writing for us which i will photograph and much playing, tigging and gardening occurred.
Nice day 🙂
I’ve been perusing the links suggested for science and geography and have found a couple of things i think might suit us, even Max agrees, so i’ll let you know 🙂
“Greer taught my sister”? So what did you actually mean?
Greer taught Fran… i do have trouble separating them as entities at times!
lol – was just coming to say the same thing!! 😆