Can’t really think where i was. I don’t think we did much the rest of Bank Holiday (though i could be woefully wrong.)
EDIT: *blush* Oh yes, i remember, we were invited to R and E’s gym party and had a lovely time there, once we found it. Damn aaroutemaster for having the wrong postcode in it and taking me, very accurately, to a completely different business park carpark over the other side of the city. PAH! Very nice to see lots of people i hadn’t seen for ages and the girls had a great time. I rather enjoyed being able to gossip all afternoon while my 3 big girls were off doing their thing. Josie stayed at home all day and played wall-to-wall NickJr.
Now, that feels familiar… did i blog this already????
I took Fran to work with me on Monday (darn these staff who are entitled to Bank Holidays!) and she played Sims until they got taken into care, which made her little heart pound with horror. We employed the “quit without saving” technique, something which provokes outrage from the Animal Crossing: Resetti trained generation of gamers, but she was relieved to get them back and subsequently managed to make them do their homework and not get taken away again. Tricky concept for the HE’d child!
On Tuesday we had a variety of small dramas; i had an agent from Wild Republic to see me in the morning and if you think having a serious business conversation with a man who has a bag full of cuddly toys is easy, you are wrong! Just as he left the neighbours found a small wild rabbit in their garage who appeared to be half choking on a water balloon he had chewed on. Managed to pull the bits i could see out of his mouth but either there was more, or that wasn’t the problem. He had blood round his mouth and kept arching back and kicking, so i wonder if perhaps he had eaten poison. He was a poor little thing anyway and i felt very bad, but we wrapped him in a towel and tried to keep him breathing till the RSPCA arrived. 😥 Dunno what happened in the end.
After that i had to take them all to work for a bit but they read, played etc quite happily and i made some space re4ady for my delivery of new and rather beautiful Rubens Barn soft dolls.
Wednesday i think Max took them into town and attempted to visit the Peterborough Green Festival but it appeared to have rolled off somewhere. I think they had a bit of a frustrating day and i wasn’t much better, i was NOT in the mood for work at all. Not quite sure what else happened.
Thursday we spent a lovely day with Chloe, Michelle and Marcus and all the kids played beautifully. We barely saw them really. Fran wasn’t 100% and read some of the time but the others were fully into games pretty much the whole time.
Friday the kids split between cookery and craft with Auntie Sue and time with Max. In the morning Max and i locked ourselves into the boardroom at work and tried to re-motivate me. I think they had some good stuff going on but i’m not sure what; i’ve been a bit disconnected this week, not helped by various children not wanting to spend any time with me, not loving me or just being a bit mean with their affections. I’ve felt rather low about it; i’ve got full on working mum guilt 🙁
Saturday – today we went sofa shopping together, bought camping stuff and then everyone got books in Waterstones. Fran got Michael Morpurgo books, Maddy was caught reading Magic Treehouse books on the floor of the bookshop and Amelie and Josie chose Alfie stories and a Polar Bear book. This afternoon we’ve inadvertently had a rabbit scrap; Smartie was on the lawn and Fiver snuck into his run. Smartie charged in to defend his territory and they really went for each other, full on “go for the jugular” scrapping. Fortunately Max got in and managed to separate them… they were GROWLING!!!!
This evening we’ve had the long awaited family challenge… were we all had to facefood demons. Max ate a spoonful of baked beans, Fran, Amelie, Josie and i ate black pudding and Maddy tried hot tomatos! Josie REALLY liked the black pudding; she ate a whole one!
Now it is time for recorded Doctor Who 🙂
yeah I imagine rabbit scrapping is as bad as guinea pig fighting, you have to be careful while separating them! Those dolls look gorgeous.
those dolls ARE gorgeous!
hate to tell you I just looked up Myrtle Road and you wern’t that far away. Sorry I didn’t know where you were. Very lovely to see you, thank you soooo much for coming.
Lol – argh!!!!!!!!! I think i am getting a sat nav!
Aw, dolls look adorable, must sell child to be able to afford the set….. no, wait, if I sell the child I won’t be able to justify buying them…. anyone want a second hand husband? ;-P
Adn how exactly do you get your Sims taken into care??? Poor Fran!
PS down with working mum guilt! You know they love you, they just forget to tell you some days!
I can attest that the Rubens dolls are indeed gorgeous. Well worth the outlay and once beginning with one it is hard to stop at that. I’ve seen grown women fight over the last one in a shop here, such is their appeal. They make perfect gifts too, and do not in any way disapoint.
BTW Merry, I’ve been trying to find your email addy for an age so you can recieve the password for my ‘blog. Then you can at least read when you feel like it or not at all, but jus so’s you knows you are welcome, ye can always email me and I can send the pass thingy 🙂