See!?!!?!? I so needed a blog last week.
Jax’s blog has just reminded me that we are enjoying “Ballet Shoes” very much at the moment as our latest read; it pulls some good strings given the amount of time we spend dancing, how much the girls love performing and the fact that the Fossils are home tutored for much of the book. Has, as books used to do to me, inspired the big two quite a bit and they’ve been doing “exercises” in the morning and being very studious. Fran has been asking for a while to have a chance at doing some auditions; i suppose that means we’ll have to do something about panto ones this year again. Must try and get sorted for those summer camps i want them to do as well. *adds stuff to list*
Although we have plans to do some Egypt over the next few weeks, i thought i could probably cram a bit of educational doodah into life the Fossil way; we’ve been planning a trip to the natural History Museum for a while, so we can do that and stare at Cromwell Road sign, find Sir John Lavery’s blue plaque for a bit of family history, “save the penny and walk” to the V&A and i thought it might be another good opportunity to look at some Shakespeare again; Midsummer Nights Dream is fun and i think the big two would enjoy acting bits of it out. I’ve just found a cheap copy of the script of The Blue Bird for them to look at too, since they loved reading out the snippet in the book.
Getting organised – We waste too much time looking for things in this house so i bought each of the big three an expandable box file this week so they can keep current reading book, maths book, lined paper, spelling sheets, current projects and things like workbooks and Explode the Code or whatever in them. It seems to be working fairly well and is helping a bit with communication between Max and i too.
Computer Time – with the addition of several new computers to the house, the desk top is more or less free for the younger 2 to use now. Maddy isn’t a big computer fan, though i have plans to make an old laptop more available to her but the younger 2 are enjoying various forms of Nick Jr gaming, CBeebies, some old disks that work on Vista and odds and sods of other stuff too. It is good to see them enjoying it as Fran has monopolised spare computer time for most of her life so far really!
French – we’ve had a bit of this going on in the background too, mainly games playing, but i’m starting to get Fran and Maddy doing some vocab too and simple sentences. They play the Usborne games we have very happily though and all manage to join in and when they last played, they seemed to spontaneously start trying to make it harder for themselves too, which was interesting to earwig on.
lots and lots of good stuff going on your way 🙂
seeing as I’m going to Egypt this year *smug* – anything I can bring back in order to further education? 🙂
wondered how long that would take G, xc
Organise a Shakespeare 4 kidz workshop – they are fabulous!
is that maddy with her back to the camera? Her hair looks gorgeous and shiny!
Yes please Greer and no, it is Fran. She is not so blonde any more! That is Maddy facing the camera!