I’ve got something or other to say about having a 10 year old daughter now, but much as i know i should do it today, i’m not in the frame of mind for it. It can wait 🙂
Suffice to say…. TEN! This time 10 years ago, i had my new little clefty baby on my front and i was half lying in my bed and looking at her, gutted not to be able to breast feed, miserable about her birth already, terribly lonely without Max and frustrated because the midwives kept trying to take her away – and it was 2 minutes to 11 and i was roaring my head off 😥
Such a shame that no good fairy can beam down a quick “see how it will be in 10 years moment” to you – because really, it turned out so much better than i ever imagined it could.
And now i have a big streak of a girl with her own laptop and a Sims2 obsession!
We did her present first thing, then she and i popped out for her to spend some birthday money on Sims, then we went out. Intended the Zoo but then realsied we were starting out a bit late so went to Twin Lakes instead. It is a sister park to Woodlands in Devon, which we’ve been to and loved, but really nothing like. Much more like Crealy in fact but we had a lovely time and bought passes to go back too. Animals were nice, the rides there were were fine, the indoor bits were fairly great and there was plenty we didn’t see because it was rainy. Liked it though and the kids all had a nice time.
Ducks that let you stroke them.
The calves nearly made me cry (2 months old and looking a little sad, the girls got to bottle feed them,) the rabbits were lovely, the reindeer were cute, and the Trauma Tower was much loved (but not by me and Max! Thank goodness they can go on on their own now!)
Back home for tea and cake… and yes, she might now be 10 but that is her dinner on her face!
Happy Birthday Fran – can’t believe my first little MuddlePuddle Duckling is 10!
Kirsty says
can’t believe it either!! Glad she had a great day.
carol says
Happy Birthday Fran! Glad she had a good day.
Mrs HoJo says
Happy Birthday Fran
love Carolyn and co
and yes, it feels odd having 2 children in double figures now!
Sarah says
10 really is big – looks like you all had a lovely day 🙂 If only they made macbooks in pink I would get one too!
Mrs HoJo says
This has been nagging at me…now I know what is missing, THE angel picture xc
Jenny says
Happy Birthday Fran! Looks liike she had a lovely day. The years really do fly dont they?
t-bird Anni says
10? Goodness! Happy Birthday Fran!
Nic says
Happy Birthday Fran – looked like a good one 🙂 xxx
Claire says
Happy birthday Fran from both of us xx
Anonymous says
Mrs H, you have to wait for the proper 10 post for that!
greer says
Oh I can’t wait…. I remember that tiny baby!!! 🙂
CanNOT believe it’s 10 years……
Mrs HoJo says
Not known for patience, but great minds always did think alike :o)
tammy says
Happy birthday!! Looks like it was a great day.