I’m not even sure i need to blog further. If i could be bothered to hunt out clip art of a bloodbath, i might aim for a blog post worthy of Grit but as it is, all i will say is that i got out the base 10 blocks to teach Amelie (you know, the intelligent one…) how to add 10 to another number and only just managed not to ram two lots of 10 up her nose, Frances pushed me to the limits of endurance by complaining there were no clean bowls, that she didn’t want to wash one up and she couldn’t even have toast because there was no bread and “why do we never seem to be organised?” Frances is now a small pile of drying bones under the patio. Maddy had an entire day of fiddling with things; twisting her clothes, dropping, banging, tapping, fidgeting – argh. She did an entire page of division sums and ignored the last figure in each one, like it just wasn’t there, then did it again and did them right but told me she didn’t know what she was doing. 🙄 Josie ran around whining that no one would let her do anything while insisting on doing exactly what any one else was doing, unless she was walking in front of Amelie saying “i’ve got your new dolly”.
Fran and Maddy half redeemed themselves by reading about the crusades (Fran, we also looked up the “Childrens’ Crusade”) and Hill of Fire for Maddy. Maddy apparently now wants to read Level 3 books and has requested more. Hurrah.
16 times after i asked Fran to wash her face so it didn’t have tomato sauce on it and brush her hair, she eventually did it, while crying because i am mean to her.
Josie refused to wear trousers all day and walked around crying because she was cold.
Amelie… actually, she didn’t really do anything else, although she sat on me a lot. Maddy kept slathering me in fat, wet, slightly too much kisses. She’s going through a bit of a socially inept phase 🙄
I believe i threatened school.
We recovered, just, with the first Chapter of Ballet Shoes. I like reading Nana’s voice.
oh I remember days like these . Now I have all the same stuff crammed into one hour at the beginning of the day, I didn’t think it was possible but believe me it is!
Still, tomorrow *will* be better, by the law of HE days 🙂
Yeah, i’m going to work!
when I have days like these thats exactly what I look forward to… just to get away!
We had one last friday… dirsturbed by the gas engineer while I was screaming like a banshee at them because they were having all out war on the living room floor….
Tomoorow WILL be better…it usually cant get any worse after a day like that.
Oooh, the ‘Good Day, Bad Day’ HE rule again. We had our dose of bad day yesterday. *Chants* “Today will be better, today will be better………….”
hope today is better then!
god we have days like this with two. Four…. na ah. No thanks!!
We are picking schools as we speak!
Josie’s teasing Amelia made me laugh! Hope today was better!
What lovely site you have. It’s good to know we all have bad days, but the good days always weigh out the bad!