On Tuesday i got a call from a cello teacher who was expecting Fran to start lessons the next day. This was quite interesting, as i knew nothing about it. I’d given our details to a lady at www.soundsamazing.org and apparently it was all organised! (Hurrah for NattyEm for the link, fantastic, thank you!) So today, we trotted off to a school down the A1 (which Fran really liked, it has to be said, though whether there is any chance of her going there, i have no idea) and met her teacher.
I warmed to her straight away and so did Fran and she was funny, interesting and very encouraging. She really made an effort to let Fran see how pleased she was with the basics she already understood and congratulated her on the stuff she had work on on her own. I think Fran was a bit shy of saying she’d already worked at the book we bought but eventually when i realised Fran wasn’t going to say, i told her and then she asked Fran to show what she could do. By the end of the lesson Fran had plucked a simple part to a duet (perfectly, bless her) and had been given 9 tunes to practise through the week along with some things to work on for her bow hold.
I loved being part of the lesson and getting to see how much she was enjoying it and it will be good to be able to absorb and help Fran practise. I really admired the teacher for not putting down Fran for starting on her own and maybe “learning bad habits” – she was nothing but positive about her enthusiasm and also really upbeat about Granny being a cellist and wanting to take part in helping Fran. I liked that, because i can imagine a teacher being a bit protective of being the “only one” working with a child. It was an excellent start and made even better by the co-ordinator meeting me and telling me they have violin and guitar lessons set up for the other 2 at the same time (almost the same time actually, i should get to be in every lesson.)
Max and i have had a talk about the cost (£150 a term each) and decided that as my parents have offered to pay for one and as we plan to move in a couple of years and we might not get the opportunity for such an easy set up again, so we’ll go for it. Gulp.
Fran had her hospital pre-op meeting today and got through it just fine; darling girl, she is just so chilled out about it. I asked her if she was worried about the op and she just said “no; probably i will be on the day though!”
And i’ve been working at odd times today… busy, busy…
are you going to stay for every lesson? I stay with Josiah, because that’s the suzuki way, and not with the girls. I must admit that while it is tiresome in some ways to have to stay rather than use the time, I’m sure it’s far better that I can help with practice. I don’t have a clue what the girls have done in their lessons, neither do I know how to play their instruments (not even the slightest clue!) and at least I feel I have a clue with Joe. Think it fits more with the ethos of facilitating/supporting education, iyswim, to at least sit in on lessons. So I recommend it, if you are making the choice!
mm, hang on, re-reading your post – if they’re all having lessons at the same time how can you be in every lesson!?
Well done Fran, so glad you found a lovely teacher.
Its lovely that Fran is so positive about her Op, thinking of you both.
she sounds lovely 🙂 good for Fran 🙂 tell her I can’t wait to hear her play!