We had snow (and the north wind) and hail etc etc etc. Quite a lot of sun. Weird weather all round in fact.
Trying to think what has gone on, though i think that it was mainly quite a lot of not very much. I could be wrong. We seem to have had a really lovely weekend together though, so that is good. I’ve slept an awful lot, in a sort of “oh my god, i have to lie down NOW just for 15 minutes” kind of a way that then involved me waking up 3 hours later. I’m sure i needed it. I resorted to taking Minadex once i started to wonder if it might be that i was running low on iron.
Friday i think i ran away to work and hid there for a lot of the day. We’ve got absolutely no recollection of what the children did on individual days at all but it has mainly involved playing in small amounts of snow, vast quantities of Club Penguin, vast amounts of racing 1950’s cars around computers, lots of DSing, a fair amount of playing board games, films, wii and playing playmobile. In fact, now i really can’t think where 4 days has gone at all. I stayed home saturday and sunday (we’d planned to go to my parents but the weather was so unpredictable we stayed home) and i worked today.
Josie and Amelie have been playing Monkey Ball and Pictochat on the DS’s – Amelie has taught Josie everything and Josie is very proud as she can download all on her own. (The baby is using a DS – whatever next?) They’ve played for hours, even curling up in bed together with them. Very cute. Maddy was allowed a Penguin and she and Fran have been shrieking “meet you in Sherbert!” or “Come for coffee and pizza!” across the house for a lot of the time. Fran is also a killer turn in a Jaguar apparently and i think Max is worried he may soon be outclassed around the track.
Trying to think what else? Oh yes, we did a selection of Easter Crafts from Tesco on Saturday, including various cards and lots of pre bought Foamie kits. Trying not be be irate at Tesco selling rectangles of felt fabric in a packet marked “felt SQUARES”. (Grumble.) That was fun, though i upset Maddy who was in full on ‘i know there is chocolate in the house so i can’t focus on anything’ mode. Ah well. Actually, that was Friday. We gave them chocolate on Saturday to suspend the suspense (!) Fran sewed me a felt Easter Egg 🙂
Maddy is reading for all she is worth because she wants (desperately) to read The Diddakoi for herself. Bless. We finished it (managed not to cry.. just…). Last night we watched the last Back to the Future film, which annoyingly stuck and gave up 2 minutes from the end; how irritating after 3 films?!??!?!!??!!? Nice though; i recokon if they all watch it another 30 times a fim, they might get the plot. Max and i watched Miss Potter – loved it – must visit lakes IMMEDIATELY! 😉
Yesterday the elder 4 of us had a game of Settlers of Catan – Maddy was ruthless as ever (she would be a good pirate) but i won. Whooped them all. We do have a slight problem that everyone always seems to gang up on Max because we just assume he will win! Great game though, really enjoyed it. Fran has been playing Sid Meiers Pirates today (sure there is some geography and history in there somewhere) while the younger 3, who seem more of a pack now with Fran just seeming a little older, have PlayMobiled for 2 days solid, more or less.
Oh – and Fran, who read a huge Doctor Dolittle last week, has been staying up till gawd knows when reading Harry Potter. At last 🙂
It is impossible to read the Diddakoi without crying. How did you do it?
Easy 😉
sounds like a lot of love there
funny, in our games everyone gangs up on Matt as they assume he will win, when in reality E usually sneaks up and wins!