Amelie: Mummy, when God made the universe with the big bang, did Adam and Eve come out or did we all come out together?
Josie: (listening in to Maddy and i discussing the rather nasty lyrics of the Beautiful South song about the Pencil case) But it isn’t a horrid song because it has Alison in it.
Maddy: (listening to Mika’s Billy Brown) There is something a bit funny about this song. It says Billy Brown fell in love with another man but that’s not right is it? It doesn’t make sense. (Hasty explanation followed and then i pointed out that hse does in fact know a woman who loves other women.) Really? Who? (Fran and Amelie fall about laughing and tell her .) Ooooooooooh… i wondered why B was always there!
Oh bless her!! I’m sure that isn’t the first time the conversation has been had with her though! It’s ringing bells about a conversation when the big 3 stayed over and she asked about sleeping arrangements, Charlie’s dad and divorce, and where B was going to sleep. Love that even Amelie fell about laughing.
LOL! Awww, I love those kinds of conversations
lol very funny – love love love the GOD one!!!!