… if you spend £25 or more on either BeadMerrily or PlayMerrily, you get 10% off if you use the code easter10 🙂
Actually, up around the £50 mark, it seems to be giving out a good bit more than 10% off its own back 🙂
Perfect for crafty stocking up (and particularly good if you are a nice friend who wants my end of March stock take to be nice and easy!!!!)
Um, not sure how else to contact you – sorry for an irrelevant comment. I was wondering if there was any chance of changing my site URL in your Muddlepuddle site? I know you’ve pretty much abandoned it, but I’m still getting a few hits from it at my Geocities site which I’m trying to close down. MudPud still gets pretty high in the search engines. My new site is http://home-ed.info and the old one was http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lake/3262/ – the link is on your ‘family sites’ page.
Delete this comment if you want to 🙂
are those animals there yet??
Sue, i don’t actually have proper access to the files at the moment but it is on my list to do it.
Helen, post stockake order; on order but not till April 1st.
Already taking advantage of the discount 😉
Will definitely hold out for the Fimo book links, please can you post a link when you have one. THanks 😀