Yesterday i did well on the MumDaq (love that concept Helen!) and gamed, cuddled, played, did washing and sorting, blah blah blah… we had a nice day. Amelie and i played bananagrams lots and we Kororinpa’d and did various other things that mostly escape me.
I did a fair bit of worrying about Kate’s eldest daughter Summer, who had to have emergency dental surgery last week as impacted baby teeth were driving her poor little self beyond the reach of morphine and valium. I’m beyond being able to imagine how dreadful it must be, trying to cope with that in a child of 9 who can’t communicate and who you can’t be sure understands your words to her 🙁 She’s not pulling through nearly quickly enough, being tube fed and not eating and they all seem fairly worried as to whether she’ll find the strength to pull through 🙁 The news IS a bit better today but it’s still worrying and i’m just as worried about Kate, who must feel completely caught in a cleft stick over the whole thing. To say the situation, or what might be best, is not clear cut is something of an understatement 😥
So, if you’d just bend your thoughts towards whatever will be best for them all being the outcome they get, i know she’d be grateful. She’s a woman of indomitable strength, but she is certainly being tested 😥
Today i’ve mainly read, thanks to having a horrible pain in my left side all day that just wouldn’t go away but i’ve enjoyed my book and the kids have at times read with me, or i’ve tickled them, or they’ve played networked 1950’s racing with Max. It’s been a companionable weekend – and i like that.
I don’t think I can imagine dealing with that with a communicating, understanding 9 year old, let alone one that isn’t. Keeping them in my thoughts.
So that was why she was doing the screaming? Glad they eventually worked it out then. And will be wishing them all the best.
sending lots of thoughts their way, and hoping summer is pain free.
Alison, they think so but it hasn’t stopped entirely, so they still aren’t sure 🙁
Also lots of thoughts to the whole family from here and that it’s post-op settling down that’s causing her discomfort now.
(((Kate and Family))) Keeping them in my thoughts. I dont know the situation but it sounds like an incredibly difficult one.
Hope you are feeling better, too.