We’ve spent the day playing, among other things, this highly addictive Wii game. It’s a pretty simple premise, guide a marble through mazes where you move the mazes by tilting the wii-mote but it has been lots of fun. It’s pretty much a cross between the feel of Mario Galaxy and Monkey Ball, plus the plexus ball thing the Beans have and a bit like trying to walk around holding a tray of well filled glasses while on a Waltzer.
You get the picture.
It’s extremely engaging, the look of it is great and the feel couldn’t be better and we’ve all enjoyed it lots; Josie particularly is liking playing it with me and is getting very adept at the twists and turns it needs. You win secret levels and marbels that look and behave differently (super easy, very slippy, bit jumpy and skiddy) and we’re curretly alternating between a penguin marble the squeaks and wails when it falls off and a piggy that we are using in honour of Chloe.
5 stars – get it 🙂