I created a page for BM and PM earlier, but i’m blessed if i can now actually find it. If anyone happens upon a page with this as the image, i’d be very pleased to have the link, as somehow Facebook seems very reluctant to show people my my own stuff. Odd site.
what did you call it? are you sure you completed the process/made it public? I can’t find it anywhere.
I’ve got no idea!!!!
I’m annoyed, cos i really like the graphic i did!
yes, it’s great. Haven’t you got a ‘page manager’ link appearing at the top of your apps list on the lhs? That’s what i have for the pages i’ve created. Try looking for that?
hooray, you found it … so did I 😉
Hope you don’t mind me asking but how did you create the graphic? it’s lovely and very crisp.
What software did you use?
It’s photoshop; well, the putting together of the graphics is and i think the logos were done in the same by Meg.
Hi Merry, lost your email!! Just wanted to know whether you were planning on coming to A.W. on Monday. Isabella has decided that she wants to try school and starts Tue so it would be nice to see your lot before she goes.
H, Oh my!!!!!! Away this week 🙁 Wah, will catch up though.