…when i read threads like this about Peterborough Maternity Unit i don’t know whether to be pleased i wasn’t the only one or disgusted that it is still so bad.
…when i read threads like this about Peterborough Maternity Unit i don’t know whether to be pleased i wasn’t the only one or disgusted that it is still so bad.
That is a sad read. I’m sorry you had crappy birth experiences; I can relate. I had my first baby in the maternity ward (transferred from the Birth Centre after being bullied into an induction) of our major hospital here and it was hideous. I managed to get into the Birth Centre again for my second and had a much less crappy experience, but when I missed out on a BC place for my third I decided that no force on earth was going to get me back into hospital (except for a genuine medical emergency, of course). In Australia we have almost no homebirth access in many places, so I ended up having an unassisted waterbirth, and it was unbelievably lovely But it’s so sad that women don’t feel like there is any alternative to being treated like crap by overworked nurses – and the UK *has* a homebirth program… Women and babies deserve so much better!
Yeah, but a homebirth still isn’t much of an option for a lot of people, me included. I could have done it, i tried once, but everything conspired against me, my own body, my own confidence and the health service determined to bully me out of thinking i could try.
Glad you ended up doing it as you wanted though 🙂
After three hideous birth experiences and one mediocre(sp?) one I can say it seems to be across the country.
I had my first three in Exeter and fourth in Lincoln. Lincoln was the best though still left alot to be desired. My birth experiences went a long way to the hospital/medical interference phobia that I now have (cheers for that medical bods).
I really think hospitals need to be asking their patients for feedback AND acting on those findings.
(((hugs))) for the birth trauma