The girls are very into HSM2, following daddy indulging them at the weekend (this living on a fluctuating income thing is taking a bit of getting used to!) I have to say, the songs are far more irritating than the original and i’ve got that damned huckamuckadoodah one going round in my head 👿
So, today, for the first time in 4 years, i didn’t have any stock in the house; i got a text from MF first thing to say “i’m in, i’ve packed a parcel!” which was funny. It was just great to not have anything to distract me at all, we’ve already reorganised deliveries to go to the new place too and i felt more like a home educator than i have in a long time. Oddly enough, much as i have REALLY enjoyed MF’s presence, it was rather nice to have no adult in the house to talk to, it meant i could only concentrate on the girls.
Thought it would be sensible to start with normals and Fran did a WHS test type book (Letts i think) on various things all of which she could do – and then spent some time doing solid shapes and counting edges, faces and vertices. When the concept of one edge only being counted once, not twice, all got too much, i got her to make them with geomags and she was then quite happy with it all. Maddy did S2B on the 5 times table, she’ll be through that book soon and Amelie hugely impressed me by not only completely finishing her Studydog level but also doing a good bit of S1B on adding in the 20’s and 30’s. Effortless really, even without anything to count with.
Maddy did a spelling test and i tested her once she’d practised; she did really well. Then i got her to invent and dictate a story using those words and then break her story into 6 chunks, each of which she is doing a slow and careful illustration of. The first pic was excellent. Fran did similar and her story was very funny!!!! Amelie did some spelling, read a ORT story and Josie did “maffs” with us to (once she woke up at nearly 11am!!!!!!) So we definitely did a very cheerful and co-operative numeracy and literacy morning, which was great.
Then we tidied and ate and Max came home (we are experimenting with working patterns) and then i went off to work (mainly to wrestle with the printer) while Max stayed at home with the kids. They measured the hall, made a happy street track and measured that with flex, timed the train going round it, estimated how quickly it would go down the hall, worked out how quickly it should go down the hall and then did 3 controlled, timed lengths to see how it did. Fran apparently tried out measuring with body parts too!!!! Then they recorded it all and after being initially reticent, they told me all about it at dinner (pasta bake, Fran cooked.) Oh and they went to Jazz.
I enjoyed today SO much , it was great. I really hope the mix is going to work. That said, total retail death today; will be needing some customers!!!!!!!!
The customers were just giving you time to do the move, I’m sure 🙂
The both sharing work and kids thing sounds quite perfect. Can’t see C going for it though 😉
It does sound great. The nice thing is that it’s your business, yet Max still has a couple of days doing his work, which is the difference from when we tried to jobshare and HEshare.
And I *completely* empathise about that song. Mine have memorised the whole jolly lot (was going to say all the words but that would be elevating the lyrics to a higher station than they deserve!). Still it’s harmless fun!
Although I hated Bob never having a public holiday off, and never being here in the evenings, I did like the job share/HE share thing very much. Now that he works normal hours, I do feel a bit like its all down to me, plus Hannah actually misses him a lot.
Sounds like a great day. I’d seriously struggle with full-time at home or at work. I like the journeys between the two as well – little moments where no-one can ask me for anything.
Gwenny got Hairspray for Christmas, which on first viewing was pronounced “better than HSM!” and HSM has completely died a death in this house. It’s great 🙂 Hairspray is, fortunately, pretty good.
Sounds fab. The girls are VERY into HSM2 too, arghhhhhh at the songs! and of course are counting the days until HSM3
ah yes, mine liked Hairspray too, but we don’t own it – yet – perhaps a worthwhile investment!