We spent the day with Claire and Charlie, celebrating his 10th birthday. Not the first child i have known for a LOOONG time to turn 10, but still one of the first. Really very scary. Redeemed my lateness by saving the detached ears and hand of the icing Mickey on the cake with a bit of DIY icing skill and beyond that just chatted and played (variously) while haggling with insurers to get my new business insurance down a bit. Finally got a £654 for the year quote (oh woe is me for the long gone days of no overheads!) so that much is settled anyway. Would you believe that if i wanted to ship 1/200th of my yearly turnover to the USA, the product liability/public liability cost would mean it cost me 50% more? So we’ll not being doing that. Everywhere but the USA, but not there!
Girls were good as gold on the way there and back despite awful weather and difficult journeys; we counted ourselves very fortunate to miss being involved in the 3 lorry/4 car pile up on our sliproad that just happened ahead of us, never mind the tailback it caused which stretched from the middle of the city out to the M1. Got back in time for dancing, shopping and tea.
Tomorrow i am moving BM/PM into the unit and Max will be educating the children (yeehaa!) – a whole day of just putting it all into place, so exciting. I can even get the new computer working, with luck and then by Monday the house should be clear and it will be operating fully.
Plus…. my DS Scrabble game should arrive – and i am very excited cos i am still level with Helen and Sarah and i just got 52 for zany and 41 for zone in consecutive goes in another game. Maybe there is hope after all!
HelenHaricot says
we drew!! ds scrabble – are you becoming an addict!! sb Loves looking at te scrabble games with me, so v educational!
HelenHaricot says
and can visitors see your premises or do they need insuarnace incase of industrial accidents!
Veronica says
Just popping in. I do love reading about your growing business. Have you thought of writing a book about it? wishing you lots of success for the future x
Mrs HoJo says
Hello Mrs,
are driving roughly near you on Friday morning this week, are you around at all for a quick final visit? we are off soon,
site admin says
Wah – have a hospital appt at 12 for Fran and all the other girls are out for the day 🙁 SOB.
Greer says
hojo!! You’re still here! I thought you’d gone and I was just saying to BN the other day that I was missing your comments!
Sorry to hijack comments 🙂
Anyway – came to say that I have DS Scrabble too – I like it 🙂
Mrs HoJo says
Boo… email me with your numbers and if we are coming back during the day on the weekend I shall see if you are around. Hugs for Fri.
And… I tried to comment on little nut tree and needed to log in, the details are on their way to Australia at the mo…but the thought was there. I shall have to open a new identity to suit my jet setting new life (snarf)