Josie’s latest penguin, well not quite latest but one that came in her stocking, has been named Pluffy, which is rather cute. She is VERY into her penguins and has been learning their names, thanks to a book from the Nuts. I’ve been indulging her as a proper HE mum should do and buying her the odd book, doing stories and stuff and some colouring; we are going to do crafts. Fran and Maddy have been rein-acting the Pingu dance that they used to do when they were little, thanks to the hours of video we had of him back then. The same footage, now on dvd, is an equal hit with all of them; i think Pingu is like some sort of under 10 opium 😆 Actually, MF and i found ourselves watching it through a childfree lunch the other day! 🙄 As you do! We’ve read Penguin Small (there’s a unit study in there all right!) and Penguin and so on; it’s been fun. I’ve enjoyed indulging her adoration. She now sleeps with no fewer than 6 penguins, including the much loved walking one from the Portico, which is no mean feat in a bed the size she sleeps in!
Josie is getting big now though; she argues, plea-bargains, winds the others up and generally is one of the major household personalities (and we needed one of those! 🙄 ) She’s ill this week though, full of cold and has resorted to sleepy mummy cuddles a number of times. Bless.
We had a lovely end to the new year with the Beans and the new year has got off to a good start with the businesses picking up quickly, the house returning to normal (lounge looks like a lounge!) and everyone being very motivated to pick up where we left off and get going. The move to premises is obviously a big one, but following a meeting today, Max is now going to be carrying on only working 2 days a week for at least the next few months and is unlikely to return to full time for the foreseeable. HR and his boss have been immensely supportive so far, which is a great help. For me, it simply means less time alone, more support, more family time and a chance to do things properly and hopefully regain something of the person i used to be. I hate to look back at how changed i am, i hate knowing i have pushed all my friends away, that i can barely go out, that simple things like going to a home ed group now have the power to reduce me to tears for hours afterwards. I hate that i can’t communicate anymore, can’t blog and can’t face either the past or the future. I can’t see how to change it yet, but i am beginning to feel like i might stand a chance. This month i will finally have “not been pregnant” for the longest time in 10 years. I can’t say it hurts me any less, or i feel any less resentful or angry about it. I think there is some hope, mostly i know there isn’t much, that i’ll just live out the rest of it immeasurably sad and damaged. But i’ve got at least some chance of containing it now i think. I’ve finally worked out that i might just as well stay on the pills though, as coming off them doesn’t come anywhere close to working. I can only say that having plumbed more depths than i ever imagined and believed myself to be going insane, i knew that i had a spark of self-preservation left when i stopped myself buying a Stanley knife to split down delivery boxes because i knew i wouldn’t be able to resist damaging myself with it. Honestly never thought i could be so hopelessly dreadfully depressed. Got me back to the doctors though and i won’t make the mistake again.
So 3 months, nearly, on from that, i think the corner we need to turn is in sight, though it has slipped away from my fingers a good few times already. I’ve recovered from things done to me, or things that just happened, before but how do you recover from something you did to yourself?
Kids are thrilled about just about everything, but most of all because daddy being home more might leave more time for Dungeons and Dragons, which all the big three are now into in a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG way 🙄 😆 I think they played around 12 hours a day for three days over the weekend (see, we have 3 day weekends, how cool is that?!?!?!) Amelie is nearly finished with her level of Studydog and has suddenly discovered the thrill of doing something ‘well’ which is lovely to see. All of them have come on a lot in mental maths, Fran particularly really enjoys that now and asks for sums to do all the time. She’s loving the “Revise” workbooks and doing a good bit of them every day while Maddy is on Singapore 2B and grumpy as it is “too easy and too hard” – giving her more 1-2-1 time is on my priority list. It’s been excellent to get back to “normals” and see, yet again, that life has progressed them all very nicely. Maddy adores the “I Can Read” books from the Sonlight readers and is getting through those at some pace, Fran now just does her own thing now; i know she has read some Drina books, a good bit of Enid Blyton and various other things. She doesn’t seem to feel an urge to stretch herself, but she loves to read, which pulls my string perfectly adequately 😉
We’ve come up with a bit of a plan for a home ed ‘mini-curriculum type thing’ this year which goes somewhere along the lines of seasons, elements and subjects crashlanding on each other. (This was mainly the kids idea with a bit of shaping help from me) – Fran and i talked over the first section today and came up with starting with Winter and Water, so, so far, our ideas are as follows….
Science – water experiments and learning about cold oceans and the arctic/antarctic (again… but… PENGUINOS!)
Literature – Paddle to the Sea, Narnia and anything else wintery i think of? (Ideas welcome)
Geography – Um… see science.
History – Ocean based explorers and perhaps Arctic ones too.
RE – Neptune (Fran’s input there!) and anything we can find that celebrates water in some way.
ART – must be something… Turner, that man with the snow who begins with G (BN? Help!>?!!?!)
Music – Helen…..?
I’ll give it some more thought then.
Milk Monster's Mum says
Thinking of wintry books, we’ve been having a lot of fun reading (and watching, good ol’ BBC) The Box of Delights by John Masefield.
Music wise the only thing that springs to mind when I think of winter is the Troika from Lieutenant Kijé. Ooh! And the snowman of course. But that might be even more of a cliché. It’s hard to find wintry stuff that doesn’t link into Christmas.
Sarah says
Handel’s Water music of course!
lynn bamber says
I have read your blog for some time now and have loved getting to know your family and they sound delightfull. I am very excited for you, it sounds like a good move for your bussiness.
I also cried for you this morning ,well I cried a bit for me too!!! I was depressd after my daughter was born and on medication for quite some time and even 9 years on your words this morning sent me right back there. I have moved out of the pit but now and again after a stresfull time I can glance over the edge and I was a little vulnerable this morning (PMT and Menopause)hence the tears.
It can seem a slow process to come back to feeling like you used to and maybe you never quite get there, but I have found different strenghs have immerged that I didn’t know I had and have found another side to my personality.Some good will come out of the dark times.
I will follow your story with interest and send healing and loving thoughts for your continued recoveryxxx
Alison says
ROFL, I love your ultra-structured curriculum 😉
Nice to hear Max is carrying on part-time 🙂 (Jealous tbh!) So does this mean Fran and Maddie are staying at home? I wondered whether Fran could see the difference with having Max there and didn’t fancy going back to ‘normal’ when he went back to work.
site admin says
Alison, both dissolved into tears the minute we actually started planning to visit schools and changed their minds!!!! (humphf!) Am offering it frequently and trying to talk it through with them, but have a feeling it had a lot more to do with waving a red flag at us both. They are very pleased with current changes and seem much more keen to stay home now they can see it all back together.
However, they have both demanded more “work” and structure (right up to getting dressed in uniform, sitting at the table and calling me Miss Merry) so more structured HE it will be!
tammy says
has josie tried club penguin (www.clubpenguin), it is a big hit here and lots of fun for grown ups too!
Alison says
You better work on your curriculum then 😉
I’ve just been buying language books (French and Spanish) and history books. Violet was drawing up a timetable whiilst we were away.
I might have to blog again at some point!
Gill says
“how do you recover from something you did to yourself?”
Forgive yourself! We all make the best decisions we can at the time, given the info we have available at the time. You couldn’t have known how bad your future self would feel. I’ve done it too (twice) and that’s just the way I look at it. Mostly. But I don’t buy stanley knives either. (((Merry)))
We also have many penguins here! But that’s cos my sister lives in the Falklands and they don’t sell many other gifts there 😆
HelenHaricot says
other musics:
hebrides overture [fingals cave] by mendelssohn. I like vltava from M
a vlast by smetana [hear the river from source to sea – also geography!] vivaldi’s 4 seasons, winter! oh, scary winter music – antartica symphony by vaughn williams, based on his film music for scott of the antartic
oh utube link for vltva why didn’t i think of classical concerts n utube?
should be OK to get started with??
oh, and inuit throat music [rofl!]
HelenHaricot says
and I am sure you will come through this Merry. with Max at home as well, it is going to work.
Greer says
hallo 🙂
loving the book was popular with Joey… our girls loving the house 🙂
was great to see you all … I’ll help with science if I can?
site admin says
Thanks all, esp Helen, Lynn and Gill 🙂
t-bird says
ROFL at calling you Miss Merry! We have done “school uniform” for ages, it’s cheap and I don’t care if she pours paint down it 😆 so I’m happy to indulge.
And you will come through this Merry. Just give yourself time, space and permission to do it.