I signed a rental agreement for premises for BeadMerrily today… and i already have the keys.
It’s a unit within a complex of units for small businesses, managed by people who will take deliveries deal with collections and generally assist anyone who wants to run a business from premises but might not be there all day. The perfect size unit (about 43m2) was avaialble and affordable, it has internet access (wireless) and phone and plenty of wall and floor space and all in all it just felt perfect and reasonably affordable.
BM has very much hit the wall as a work at home business now, it just can’t be maintained from home. So it’s time it grew up and by the end of the month it will be somewhere new and i will no longer be a full time mum, we’ll be sharing the childcare, home educating and work between us. I suspect it will be fairly tough, as we have to sustain Max as an earner in some form for the foreseeable future but i don’t think it can be worse than virtually living in a warehouse, which is how the last 6 months have felt. The kids are very pleased and i’m quite relishing the idea of having some days a week where i work, i think it will be good for me.
It feels immensely real, though in fact it comes with very little risk as the rental agreement is extremely short and i’m thrilled with the idea of having room and time to grow and make it better. It seems amazing to me that something that started on a whim, with £300 and 4 folding crates of stock, moved to a cupboard, moved to half a room, to a room, to a room and a garage and a storage room and now to a unit could have been achieved by me. It’s a real live business and i’m still faintly astonished by it really. Still seems like perhaps it won’t all just stop tomorrow after all, so i suppose we better let it have it’s own room and a doorkey 🙂
Me too. and really hope it works out. Would love to see a photo of the unit 🙂
Really very, very pleased.
Very, very pleased for you all :0)
Brilliant news, what an achievement!!!
Congratulations, hope it continues to grow and flourish :).
congrats! i hope i still get to nose at the stock periodically though!! [suffering stock room nosing withdrawal symptoms already]
Having co-run a business I’m always gob-smacked anyone manages to make one successful!
What with the rate of failures statistically too! I know for sure it has to be a case of skill, luck and unbending commitment.
ah, merry! i see you are on wordpress. I’m still struggling to put a webring thingy on my widgets because of the script code rejection thing on WordPress. Maybe you would copy me the html that you use for yours and I can put my info in where yours is and have a working webring thingy? Also, how do you put your children’s photos at the top? Which widget and how?
Best wishes for 2008!
congrats on this fantastic news. You ought to contact the local paper to do a feature on bead merrily and your success, they love stories like this.
momentous – well done 😀
Really pleased for you. Retail isn’t easy at all, so well done!
That’s brilliant news Merry! Long may you success continue.
I hope your adolescent behaves itself, doesn’t stay out late or play music too loud and turn you grey with worry etc. Congratulations – I expect the *Merrily brand will soon be gaining a soft drink like the Virgin brand and an airline like the Easy* one. Unlike Sir Richard and Stelios, your brand’s family name is at the end – what an innovator!
Wow, brilliant 🙂 I wish you continued future success and am in awe of your achievements.
Jules x
Well done Merry, that’s brilliant news. Elle
Well done, it will be very strange at first but I’m sure you will find it a lot better not having all the stuff at home, been there done that 🙂
Congratulations Merry,
It has been inspiring to watch your business grow, I remember when you first started ‘advertising’ your hama beads. Although it must be tremndous hard work, it must be great to have a sense of personal accomplishment.
CJ x