(We’ve had an AWFUL lot of Spice Girls recently 🙄 )
That’s it, shops are closed, parcels are sent, house is being tidied and decorated, shopping is (nearly) done, kids are getting excited.
We took somewhere in the region of £65,000 this November and December and for the first time ever, we can really see a profit. It’s been unbelievable. Without Max at home, we’d never have done it, as it is, we *just* made it and the kids have been okay too, in fact, despite it not being quite as i’d like, they have all made some big leaps forward in what they do and have interests in. Max has done loads of good things with them, so even if i’ve been stuck being a businesswoman, the have at least had proper decent attention. We’ve got a way to go to perfect the balance, but it is on its way.
That said, there are going to be some big changes in the new year, both to mine and Max’s life and the girls. Both Fran and Maddy are considering giving school a try, Josie will be going to nursery a bit and both Max and i are likely to have a very different work/home balance and different things to keep me occupied too. It’s going to be all change, i don’t think we’ve ever have exactly the same life back again, but that’s good.
Sarah says
Wow. to all of it!
amanda says
:0) Very pleased for you. The New year often brings new changes, sounds very positve though :0) Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Greer says
oooh!!! Can’t wait to have a catch up!! xxx
Daddybean says
Woooo 🙂
Have a happy and relaxing xmas :-0
EFFloresce says
Your blog about home education was the one that really set the lightbulb off in my head that we could do it too, you’ve always shown really well how it is possible to balance home ed with work and the ups and downs of what living entails. You have been a great inspiration to simply scores of home edders over time no doubt – so a big thank you to you for flying the flag for so long.
I’m sure your girls will love school and embrace the new experience with confidence and that this next phase in your life will be a great success. Congratulations on the business paying off and the best of wishes for your future 🙂
Joanna says
Was too astonished to comment yesterday. But good for you, if it all feels right and good. Shannon is starting playschool in Jan, too. (P.S. you need to update your sidebar – Josie is now 3!!!)