Telegraph Article on the pressures of modern family life.
She has my every sympathy; 4 children (well, any number of children but as Alison and i often say, you do spend a bloody long time saying the same thing over and over when you have 4!) is hard going and pretty much unrelenting.
Interesting to see another family doing much the same (in a different way) as we’ve done, being forced to stop, look, listen for a while. Since Max stopped working full time, i’ve realised that BeadMerrily is a full time job for at least one person, probably more like a full time job for 2. No wonder i’ve been gradually going under for the last little while. Thank goodness Max had an understanding employer who could see they would get more from him if they allowed him to take time out to put our family life right.
as I may have said in the past once or twice…. I have no idea whatsoever how you manage it! I am constantly at least 1 step behind and there’s only 1 child in the equation here.
This is why we have sold up…. too tired of rushing around after the children and then going straight to work in the kitchen or bar and collapsing into bed at 1am only to start again at 7 30. But not for long hee hee
she has my sympathy too! The comments on the article are a bit harsh though :0( I don’t work, but O.H works well over 60hrs a week which leaves me to home educate, cook, clean, drop kids off at activiities… and I’m out of time, no family to help either and its hard. I have no idea what the answer is though, wish I did. So glad you put this up. Nice to know its not just me!
So, that begs a question or two. How long is Max on sabbatical for and what are you going to do with BM if/when he goes back full time?
Have been looking at your new Alex Toys things anyway, are those Scrapbooking kits any good, btw? Anna has been after some scrapbooking stuff for a while but I haven’t known where to start with it and didn’t want to spend too much, so if they’re not too young for an 11yo they might be the perfect thing, what do you think?
I’ve not opened one yet, only got it all yesterday, but they seem very good value.
As for BM, no idea. He’ll go back to work gradually and prob be back full time in Feb, then we have to make some decisions……