The first couple of weeks of Max being at home and extra 3 days a week have gone pretty well in retrospect, though we’ve both been thoroughly ill which took the shine off it a bit. I had a horrible dose of laryngitis and i’m still croaky nearly 2 weeks later but the worst of it was definitely the inflamed windpipe bit, viral so no abs to kill it off and i just had to muddle through. It was extremely painful indeed and did rather slow me down. Then Max got man flue and was definitely worse the wear for a few days, which got him down a bit as i think he felt he needed to hurl himself into it all and change life overnight. In the end, perhaps being forced to slow down a little as actually been a good thing.
The first week or so i worked pretty much full time just trying to get the business back into shape and Max took over everything with the children. He did maths, crafts, took them out, got them doing reading and writing practice, cooked and generally showed them a good time. They’ve been doing a great job of keeping busy and they’ve enjoyed varieties of board games, websites and various other things. We’ve both had more time to read stories and do stuff and the girls and i have had huge jigsaw fests, story fests, cuddle fests and happy times indeed. I feel like i’ve got my life back, moreorless.
Just realised i had blogged most of that already. Oh well.
Had a lovely time with The Portico and a variety of other people for Josie’s third birthday and she was highly delighted by their presence and their present, which was a walking, sqwarking penguino! We had food and a fire and fireworks and lots of playing and mulled wine and it was a generally jolly evening. Particularly enjoyed Mr Portico chivvying them all out of the house with much eyerolling at their slowness and then having to drive back for the camera he had forgotten! 😉
Not quite sure where last week went in all honesty; Max stocktaked one day while we spent the day with Claire and Charlie, Max was initiated into parcel wrapping one night when he and i packed over 80 between us in an evening, Maddy learned some of her tables, Amelie did a good bit of Studydog, Fran was heavily into Famous Five. One day all 3 of them sat down with paper dolls, fairies for Amelie, various from paperdolls for Josie, Tudors for Fran and Georgians for Maddy, from those books i think we all bought from Sarah once. Filled a whole day beautifully. Fran also did a lot of a Dover colouring book on the Tudors. She is getting much more able to find herself things to do from our shelves, which is great. The last few days she has been working her way through an Usborne Tudors and Stuarts book, the same one as is in the top picture here (awwwwwwwww…….) – in fact, now i think about it, all this is starting to sound worryingly like a re-infactuation with the Tudors!!!! 😯 (noooooooo……. ) She enjoys the quicklinks pages on the Usborne site and does lots of those, a Guy Fawkes one today that has definitely been around since the olden days when i did things properly!
On Tuesday they started practising for Grade 2 ballet, so i have a house full of unnaturally disjointed children all in 4th position now. 🙄 On Thursday Maddy was enrolled at Brownies, which was somehow particularly lovely as Fran, as her Sixer, had to take her up to do her promise. Maddy looked beautiful and said it all just right, and even said “yes please” when asked if she still wanted to be a Brownie which made everyone go “aaaaaah”. My favourite bit was possibly the new Brownie who said “A Brownie Guide thinks of herself before others” – grin….
Friday i spent the entire day being yelled at by people, mostly over Bindeez being returned (i don’t even know where to start ranting about that, there is barely an angle of it that i can’t roll my eyes at) and then by a customer who i replaced an item for when it was a few days delayed in the post and then she was angry at me when she realsied she needed to return one – yelled at me and slammed the phone down – twice. Finished off by being yelled at for offering to help someone out if it would make a situation easier and got a whole heap of someone else’s issues projected on me. I hate having words put in my mouth. Pah to it all.
However, i did have a really great time helping out at the first night of Brownie camp and did a Fimo craft with 24 Brownies, making Jemima Puddleducks with them. Was really lovely and i enjoyed it hugely. I’m being police checked to be a helper and thoguh i doubt i will have time to do anything more, i am looking forward to being more involved at times. Doing Peter Rabbit with them on Thursday at the ordinary meeting. Must say though, i found doing stuff with schooled children a vastly different experience to doing things with HE kids. It was really quite fascinating. Fran and Maddy were glowing when i got my Brownie Thank You, which made me feel really good about having put the time in.
Weekend was just lovely as we got loads of time with the little two while the big two were away; Amelie and Josie had a ball, we did lots of bonding, huge amounts of jigsaws and took them both out at different times. Fran and Maddy also had a great time, Maddy seems to have loved her first camp, which is great. Fran now a veteran of 6 nights worth of Brownie camping 🙂 and one of the older and more able ones there. Just weird.
Today we have done maths, writing practice, i did an 80 piece jigsaw with Josie and we’ve baked biscuits, watched Chicken Run and had a dancing school. It’s been lovely. Now the business is running more smoothly i can get a heap of jobs done first thing and then i am free, which just makes it so much better. I love doing jigsaws with Josie, she has such a knack for them; all the others have been rubbish really, though Maddy and Fran are good now, but Josie really looks at the pictures and works things out. She seems far more able to decipher what is going on which just makes it a pleasure. She can do the 80 piece one on her own really, if you get her started (it’s an Egyptian one) and pretty much turns up her nose at the 25/35 piece Orchard Toys ones i bought the other week. But she lvoes an audience, so you have to sit with her.
Bless her, can’t believe she is 3 now.
That’s a lovley catch up, you do sound so positive :0)
“all 3 of them” – ahem!
Glad all’s going so well 🙂
aw … all sounds lovely!!! You must update Josie’s piccie!! Now she is 3…. sounds like things are working out well… poop to people who shout… pah to them all!!
Oh dear, that’s a bit alarming, isn’t it!?!?!?!!
ah, sounds great. and karma to those that shout down the phone – as if you were going to test the compounds in bindeez
Take a deep breath and say “Zen”. Works for us when the immediate world around us seems full of morons.
The rest sounds great.
Lovely to read a catch up 🙂
Lovely to hear how well things are going 🙂
Grrrr on your behalf to the idiots giving you grief.
Ah there you are 🙂
Nice to read a catch up, glad you’re all on the mend. I’ve emailed you to various addresses, let me know if you’ve not recieved at least one of them.
ps, it’s not about bindeez, promise!
grrr to the whole Bindeez thing!!! And to other shouty people.
Lovely to read that stuff is going well for you. Long may it carry on.